Introducing Pi-hole v6

Originally published at: Introducing Pi-hole v6 – Pi-hole


We’re excited to announce the general release of Pi-hole v6!

At a glance: What’s New in Pi-hole v6?

1. Embedded Web Server and REST API

We’ve integrated a new REST API and embedded web server directly into the pihole-FTL binary. This eliminates the need for lighttpd and PHP, reducing the installation footprint and boosting performance. The new API also offers server-side pagination for the query log, ensuring a faster and more responsive interface.

As lua has been embedded into the pihole-FTL binary for some time now, we have been able to leverage this to rewrite the web interface.

2. Advanced Filtering and Allowlists

Pi-hole v6 introduces support for subscribed allowlists (Otherwise known as “Antigravity”). These lists work in much the same way as blocklists, but they allow domains instead of denying them

3. Consolidated Configuration Files

We’ve streamlined configuration management by consolidating multiple settings files into a single, richly commented toml file, making it easier to manage and understand your settings. If you are migrating from v5, your existing configurations will be migrated automatically into this file. It can be found at /etc/pihole/pihole.toml

Configuration can be set in multiple ways:

  • Directly editing the toml file
  • Via the command line, e.g pihole-FTL --config dns.upstreams
  • Using the API
  • Via the web interface (which uses the API 😉)
  • Via environment variables named, e.g FTLCONF_dns_upstreams=

If setting via environment variables, it should be noted that this effectively makes the setting read-only, as the environment variable will always force the value to match itself. This is the preferred way to configure FTL in the docker container.

4. Redesigned User Interface

The web interface has been completely overhauled with settings split into Basic and Expert modes. This allows users to customize their experience based on their comfort level and needs.

5. HTTPS Support

Pi-hole v6 includes native HTTPS support, with options to provide your own certificates or use auto-generated ones.

6. Docker

Additionally, the Docker image is now based on Alpine, significantly reducing the image size and opening up possibilities for future system support.

Upgrading and Getting Started

Bare Metal

Upgrading to Pi-hole v6 should be straightforward. For existing users, we recommend backing up your current configuration before proceeding, as the upgrade is strictly a one-way operation.

During the upgrade operation, you will be presented with a dialog box asking if you wish to disable lighttpd. Doing so is probably appropriate for most users – unless you are using it to host web pages other than Pi-hole’s, in which case you may choose to keep it enabled. With lighttpd disabled, pihole-FTL will attempt to bind to ports 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. If there is any conflict on these ports, then it will revert to port 8080 for HTTP.


The docker image has undergone a complete rewrite from the ground up, and is now based on Alpine rather than Debian. The same migration scripts that run on bare metal will also run on Docker – your configurations will be migrated to the new format.

The exception to this is environment variables. You can start the container with the old variables in place but don’t expect them to work! It is recommended to read the docker section of our docs page before upgrading.

Join the Community

Pi-hole thrives thanks to our vibrant and supportive community. Whether you’re looking to share your experience, get advice, or stay informed about the latest updates, there’s a place for you. Join the conversation on our official forum or connect with fellow users on our subreddit. We look forward to welcoming you!

Thank You for Your Support

We want to express our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported Pi-hole throughout the years.

Your community contributions and donations are the lifeblood of this project, allowing us to maintain and continually improve Pi-hole while keeping it free for everyone. If you’d like to contribute to our ongoing efforts, please consider donating through our official donation page. Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference in helping us deliver the best project that we can.

Thank you for being part of the Pi-hole community!