Pi-hole v3.3 Released: It's "Extra" Special

Getting 404 when pihole try to update FTL

Thanks, it should be fixed now.

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7 posts were split to a new topic: Domains blocked number decreased/dnsmasq not showing queries

Note that log-queries=extra will not work on all platforms, yes I know it is for the Pi but just FYI.

# service dnsmasq start
[....] Starting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: dnsmasq
dnsmasq: extraneous parameter at line 37 of /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf
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A post was split to a new topic: Error: Unable to get latest release location from GitHub

So, if we went back to the earlier version, will the interface advice us when a new version is available? or we gonna be stuck in the vDev version?

When we have something confirmed working we will make an announcement here and on our other platforms.

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I did the vDev version fix and now i see that there is a way to manually upgrade. I tried changing the versions in the steps but am i stuck in vDev versions? How can i go back after manually upgrading dnsmasq?

I am having the same issue, did you find a way to do an update back to live?

Just waiting for @DanSchaper announcement as he said to do a manually upgrade to official release with the fix.
At the moment i'm staying in Dev (HEAD, v3.2.1-0-ge602008)

I expect we will have instructions when the bugfix release is out. However, running pihole checkout master will allow you to update (and if you already tried updating to 3.3, this will checkout out 3.3).


A post was split to a new topic: Unable to update web interface v3.3

Just FYI: Raspbian Jessie user on Pihole 3.2. I waited with updating and just came back to check status on how to move to 3.3. Read the post on how to update dnsmasq. Started by trying "dnsmasq -v" to see which version I have now, so I can later validate updating it to 2.76 but to my surprise it is already reported as being 2.76. And I surely haven't done any of the steps in that guide.

I am having dnsmasq-troubles on my Synology DS-413j, which is obviously running a Jessie-Debian on "armel-architecture".

Consequently this will fail to install.
I'm a completely ignorant Linux-Dummie and have not the slightest grasp of what I'm doing here.
I have google for dnsmasq-base 2.76-5 and armel, but have not found anything.

there is no arm-thingy of any sort except the "armhf", which is not compatible.

Somwhow I have managed to remove dnsmasq completey and can't find a way to install it again.

curl -L https://install.pi-hole.net | bash

is not installing it, either.

Any hint on how to get basic functionality of pihole again until your new version with ftldns will be final?

Unless you can find at least version 2.73 of dnsmasq for Debian Jessie, you should update to Debian Stretch or downgrade to Pi-hole 3.2.1

Thanks a lot, it was a headache why pi-hole not working with OMV.

It's been some time being on 3.2.1 and I cannot update any further on the RiPi 3. Is pihole done for RiPi 3 now or still working on a proper fix where everything runs and install successfully

We are working on 4.0 and have had that in beta for a bit. The 4.0 release will fix the inconsistencies with dnsmasq. I'm not sure why you are having problems with the RPI 3 as the problem is with Raspbian Jessie, with Raspbian Stretch you can run 3.3 on the RPi 3?

I can leave it be for now, I have ran this for months like this
Pi-hole Version vDev (HEAD, v3.2.1-0-ge602008)
Web Interface Version vDev (HEAD, v3.2.1-0-g31dddd8)
FTL Version vDev (v2.13.2 , v2.13.2 )

I have tried to run a fresh install (clean SD) and seems to still have concerns. That sounds promising about 4.0! I look forward for any future updates to get this back in action. I love pi-Hole!
Keep me posted
Thanks for the quick response