Hey I Like your Blocklists, but can't whitelist
and many more don't work, connection refused.
Nice work!
Just add the list to my installation but it's completely crippling my installation;
Active Temp: 36.9 °C
Load: 1.16 1.02 0.94
Memory usage: 68.4 %
Memory was <40% and load on average <0.3
Is this normal for an RaspberryPi 2B model?
November 11, 2018, 9:47pm
Is this CPU use after gravity updated after you added the blocklists, or while gravity was updating?
What is the output of this command after you have the new blocklists in gravity?
echo ">stats" | nc localhost 4711
This was while updating gravity but also after some time.
This morning the only host "active" is my VPN connection from work to home with default gateway over PiHole and see the result;
just check "htop" and looks like FTL is eating a lot of mem & cpu time;
popup window with audio "you computer is blocked
Current blocklist 11:56 pm 26/11/18
Took longer than usual had to go and get my pihole.
Regex & Wildcard blocking
is this still maintained?
I was just wondering the same thing. I’d rather not choke up my hole with large unmaintained lists.
Nice work!
Just add the list to my installation but it’s completely crippling my installation;
Active Temp: 36.9 °C
Load: 1.16 1.02 0.94
Memory usage: 68.4 %
Memory was <40% and load on average <0.3
Is this normal for an RaspberryPi 2B model?
Thanks, you helped me to decide not to add this/these list/s.
Split this topic
January 7, 2019, 5:56pm
A post was split to a new topic: Web display missing temperature
Not at the moment I have cash flow problems.
I'm in the process of setting up a automatic updated lists but I can't afford the power to run it
From site.
|Supply charge |101.5493 cents per day|
|Supply charge: additional homes^ |40.3762 cents per day|
|Electricity charge |28.3272 cents per unit|
If some sort of donation thing is setup, then I can continue and improve my service.
Yes they are rather large.
Not sure on a Raspberry Pi 2B as I don't own one to test.
I run it on a Raspberry Pi 3 B and it takes the memory out to ~88% displayed in red.
Sometimes it takes 5 mins to whitelist a site.
Perhaps you could raise a post with an issue on this forum.
I tried on an Odroid and the lack of verbosity for a long time concerned me, so I just went elsewhere. Don't think I'll be trying again, so I won't be raising an issue on the forum, apologies.
1 Like
All cool Mate!
Should run on any old Pentium 4 Deb 9 XFCE. (NonFree Firmware on USB stick).
Try this one list
The Pi-hole seems to be ok the correct functions are seen.
The memory problem seems to under control. Thank you all.
March 11, 2019, 4:26pm
then you can try to block 10 million domains
Yes Ok. I have been working on it for over 6 months now I cant really afford the Electricity Cost in Australia ATM.
Nearly 30 cents per kw/h.
Running on about 40% duty cycle.
Running Bar fridge $25 with 2 sides with 40 mm covered in isolite.
Hey check my maths please! 40 Watt Edison costs 12 cents for 3 hours?
March 13, 2019, 12:12am
40 watts for 3 hours is 120 watt hours, or 0.120 KWh. At 30 cents per KWh, this is 0.120 * 30 = 3.6 cents.
Ok here is a Windows host file editor I tried selling fo one AUD free install.
You will need to run Quick Basic 64 (QB64) from https://www.qb64.org/
There is a helpful forum community to help with coding.
Can be modified to do what ever you want like a small scale PI-Hole
Open resource monitor in network activity and highlight the one you want. > CTRL C.
Send (B/sec)
Receive (B/sec)
Total (B/sec)
Add at a blank part of program putting a REM statement in front to allow you to run program to block and unblock things.
Currently I switch between Simple phone and Smart old phone for contact on twitter hits both devices ????
Ps Thank you for the maths sort out. But there is the cost of the Edison around $5 lasts 300 hours (Guess cold filament turn on)
REM Windows 10 traffic saver for wifi hot spots
REM You have to allow access to hosts file.
'ON TIMER(1) GOSUB health
a$ = INKEY$
IF a$ = CHR$(27) THEN STOP
LOCATE 10, 15
PRINT "1 = Block adds and save traffic"
LOCATE 11, 15
PRINT "2 = Allow adds "
LOCATE 12, 15
PRINT "ESC to Exit"
IF a$ = "1" THEN GOSUB blockupdates
This file has been truncated. show original