I concatenated every BlockList I could find

I have to add that officially none of this is supported or endorsed by Pi-hole in any way. Personally I would not download random executable files from sites that can not be verified. This may all be with the best intents but it's getting to be borderline questionable as to being allowed on this site.


Ok I am very sorry. Thank you for pulling me up!

White list
2019-03-24 10:08:14 A ftp.vectranet.pl Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)

2019-03-24 10:08:14 AAAA ftp.vectranet.pl Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)
2019-03-24 10:08:14 A mirror.yandex.ru Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)
2019-03-24 10:08:14 AAAA mirror.yandex.ru Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)
2019-03-24 10:08:14 A ftp.snt.utwente.nl Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)
2019-03-24 10:08:14 AAAA ftp.snt.utwente.nl Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)
2019-03-24 10:08:14 A mirror.onet.pl Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)
2019-03-24 10:08:14 AAAA mirror.onet.pl Blocked (gravity) - (0.1ms)

Feel free to tidy up.

Try adding

Cant white list twitter.
2nd phole
Your debug token is: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/1xhv0tg0hx!
3rd pihole
Cheers there in series.

I have spent the last couple days compiling Blocklists into fewer, but larger lists. Feel free to check them out https://github.com/nicholasb2101/PiHole. I deserve none of the credit, all of it goes to the original creators of the lists, I only hope to provide an easier means to view/using/customizing them.

Please note that these are more generalized lists. I personally recommend them and use them along with the whitelist provided.

Youtube ads.
Iā€™m using the script from https://github.com/kboghdady/youTube_ads_4_pi-hole

A cron job every 15 sec on the pihole then copy /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt to a web server then use a Nextcloud server to collect it and share it. Not sure how long I can keep it running though.
Note: Edit the line # dpkg -l | grep -qw gawk || sudo apt-get install gawk -y

Direct downloadable link updated every 15 seconds:

I have whitelisted a few google sites.
googleads.g.doubleclick.net etc

With the latest Viber desktop update (11.4.0), ads are popping up. Some has suggest to add these domains to the list. I have tried, but ads is still appearing. I will wait for a few hours and see.


@smokingwheels you might find bitbucket better for hosting large files in a git repo. There are no file size limits like github have. https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/what-kind-of-limits-do-you-have-on-repository-file-upload-size-273877699.html

1 Like

On line 972632 it reads as:	verifģ£”tion.com

Should that be:	verification.com

As per it's neighboring entries?

Let's move the support for these lists to GitHub and off this forum please.

I think this information should be made available to all.
I have 51 raw GitHub links :frowning:

Closing this topic - bumping a three year old topic with spam links is poor form.