How to redirect connected clients from Pi-Hole to other DNS

Hi - pi-hole is in and working...
...but I need to allow certain specific clients inside the LAN to be "ad-served".
How can I add specific client side IP addresses to an always allow list which pi-hole won't block?

You could use the Pi-hole as DHCP server and based on the MAC address of the device you want to bypass the Pi-hole, you can specify the DNS server that the device will use.

You'd have to make a /etc/dnsmasq.d/nopihole.conf file (or name it whatever you want) and add an entry like this for each device(MAC) you need.


Replace xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx with the MAC address of course :slight_smile:

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A simpler method is to just manually set the devices to use a different DNS server in their settings.

Thank you.

This may also be helpful:

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