November 26, 2018, 6:57pm
Since your Pi-Hole isn't blocking any of the queries from this device, I would recommend that you bypass Pi-Hole DNS for this client as @anon55913113 suggested, but you won't need to disable Pi-Hole DHCP for this.
I came up with some stuff that eases things a little bit with my Pi-Hole life. Some of the ideas here, I gathered from around the internet. I wanted to share my findings.
These configs are to be placed in /etc/dnsmasq.d
I do realize that these could easily be combined into a single 04-custom.conf, but for the ease of teaching myself things I can do with this,, I like them seperate.
Bypass Pihole by MAC Address
What this Does:
Find the MAC Address of the device that you want to skip pihole, …
You could use the Pi-hole as DHCP server and based on the MAC address of the device you want to bypass the Pi-hole, you can specify the DNS server that the device will use.
You'd have to make a /etc/dnsmasq.d/nopihole.conf file (or name it whatever you want) and add an entry like this for each device(MAC) you need.
Replace xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx with the MAC address of course …