SOLVED: Admin page shows FTL offline (and not connection to API), but FTL is running

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Admin page shows a connection to API

Actual Behaviour:

Admin page shows no connection to API, and lists "FTL offline"

Debug Token:


This is a pretty standard Ubuntu 16.04 installation on x86. No problems with the install that I remember. Only other thing running on the box is a plex server, that I shut down to try to see if it fixed the problem.

I don't see any issue in your log. What do you get if you go to http;//pi.hole/admin/api.php?

Just "{"FTLnotrunning":true}"

What is the output of this command?

pidof pihole-FTL

Also, run pihole -d again for a new debug token (they expire after 48 hours)

pidof pihole-FTL

returns a number, in this case 764.

Debug token is fbqa19c4t5.

How about:

sudo -u www-data pidof pihole-FTL

That returns nothing.

How about:

sudo -u pihole pidof /usr/bin/pihole-FTL

After entering the password, it returns the process number (764).

Check the output of these commands:

which pihole-FTL
sudo -u pihole which pihole-FTL

Both commands return the following:


Also check these outputs (forgot to include the www-data commands)

sudo -u www-data which pihole-FTL
sudo -u www-data pidof pihole-FTL

Both commands return no output.

Thanks for the help in figuring this out, by the way -- this is a weird problem.

Hi, sorry for not responding quickly. Try another debug token. I think perhaps your web server might be improperly configured?

My new debug token is kq4p06lpgv.

About the web server -- there was no web server on this server before pihole installed one, so what would it have not properly configured, if there was no problems in the install log?

The debug log still looks good. I was wondering if the web server somehow setup a different user than what we expect (www-data). @DL6ER any ideas?

Have you tried doing a fresh install of the OS on the device?

Even better; I did a fresh install of pihole on a fresh install of a new Ubuntu 16.04 vm. Same result; web ui says no connection to api.

Run pihole -d for a debug token on that new VM

Will do -- just got back from a vacation, and will give it a try now.