Pihole problem

In CMD try nslookup pi.hole and nslookup doubleclick.net

nslookup.txt (137 Bytes)

double.txt (133 Bytes)

Why have you disabled query logging?

In a forum it stated that it destroys SD..But now I have it enabled..

Okay, try nslookup doubleclick.com and check the web interface to see if it's showed as OK or Pi-hole'd.

for the first time ever,I saw something that said status blocked (gravity)..I think that's good,but you know better..

What domain was blocked?

doubleclick.com shows in red and blocked (gravity)

And what browser are you using?

Chrome..But I also tried Firefox with no luck..

If you are seeing ads in that page, then that browser or client is not using Pi-Hole. Tail the Pi-Hole log and ensure that the DNS traffic from that browser is going to Pi-Hole.

If i correctly understand what you said,I can confirm that the traffic from my browser goes through pi-hole..it has logs like this:

Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: query[A] data.cnn.com from
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: /etc/pihole/gravity.list data.cnn.com is
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: query[A] data.cnn.com from
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: /etc/pihole/gravity.list data.cnn.com is
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: query[A] e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net from
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: forwarded e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net to
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: query[A] data.cnn.com from
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: /etc/pihole/gravity.list data.cnn.com is
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: query[AAAA] e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net from
Feb 20 04:15:03 dnsmasq[4030]: forwarded e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net to
Feb 20 04:15:04 dnsmasq[4030]: reply e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net is
Feb 20 04:15:04 dnsmasq[4030]: reply e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net is 2a02:26f0:6b:581::3134
Feb 20 04:15:04 dnsmasq[4030]: reply e12596.dscj.akamaiedge.net is 2a02:26f0:6b:58a::3134`

but again,on the CNN page provided before,it displays an ad from Lidl.Also,on other test pages it displays ads..

Pi-hole is working, it's blocking domains. What lists do you have enabled? I'm pretty much running out of ideas so I'll be backing out of the conversation soon.

Use the tools linked in the earlier reply to determine the source of the ads.

if you are asking about my upstream dns servers I had quad9.But also tried all of them together,then tried cloudflare alone,google alone..In any case,the same.
EVERY page displays ads.

It's not that a single page displays ads.it's that ANY page which has ads,displays them..I wish I could show you..

You can grab a screen capture and post that graphic directly into a reply here. Also post the complete URL and I'll see if I can duplicate.

let's say https://edition.cnn.com/

ads both right (the shoe) and on top..(previously on top it had a lidl ad)