Pihole problem

or speedtest ads here

guys I really want to thank you for all the help you are providing..

I don't see those ads. Use the tools, figure out the ad source and block it

Also, what OS is on the client seeing the ads?

windows 7,chrome.
Should I use all the DNS servers at once?maybe it will help..

I m trying again,but I have no idea why this is happening..
So I ve blacklisted 3 domains as shown in a tutorial.but the damn ads still working..Am I so stupid??

I just saw that on the raspberry (hosting pi-hole) it doesn't show ads..

Adding more DNS servers will have no effect. If Pi-Hole is not blocking domain, all the upstream DNS servers will return the same IP's for unblocked domains.

As noted previously, the Windows client has DNS Servers other than Pi-Hole available, and some of the DNS traffic is bypassing Pi-Hole. Your Pi-Hole is working properly, but it can only block those DNS requests that it receives.

On the router, fix the IPv6 problem - either disable IPv6 or ensure that the IPv6 IP used for DNS is the Pi-Hole IPv6 address.


After many many attempts,its working almost perfect..I used Pihole address as DNS server to my entire network,and also I had to manually edit each device so that it would use the Pihole address as DNS.Somehow it's working in all devices except my pc.Even if it shows only the pihole address to the DNS server.No matter what I did (disabled the IPv6,changed Network device between Ethernet and WiFi,flushed DNS and many other things) it won't work..That's not a big of a problem,but I thought that I should tell you..Again,it's the only DNS on my ipconfig,IPv6 is disabled.Once again thanks for all your help,thanks for your time and I really appreciate it..My mobile phone,my tablet,even my TV is now free of ads..

after so many days I 've decided to post again..It seems like working ok on blocking ads on my smartphone,tablet,TV etc..But sometimes it seems like it's slowing down the network..Lets say I speedtest on the 2.4 band (controlled by pi-hole) and I see 2-5 mbps.I speedtest 5ghz band and I see 45+.It doesn't happen all the time,but it happens some times per day..

There's no way for Pi-hole to be causing that.

I mean, is that not down to the band that you're connecting to? May be worth looking into the channel that your 2.4 band is operating on, especially if you live in a built up area with lots of other wifi access points, even microwaves, around.... 5Ghz is generally less congested, so I would expect to see better speeds.

Maybe,just maybe (if it does so,I 'm an idiot) is it down to the fact that pi-hole is connected through plc to the internet?and that if I unplug it,the 2.4 band test goes up to 40..maybe that plc causes it?but if it's the plc,why on earth it happens some times during the day and not all the time??

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by plc, however I'm pretty certain, as @DanSchaper pointed out, that it is not Pi-hole that is the source of the issue. You're going to need to do some troubleshooting on your network hardware in order to figure it out.

I mean powerline connection..I think I really have to search further on the behavior of my network..thanks again!and I will ask again if (or when) I understand why things aren't working as expected..

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