Pihole problem

Open cnn.com and if you see no ads then Pi-Hole is working.

unfortunately ads are displayed..but it clearly shows on pihole admin that my pc is currently using pihole..

That may happen if you have more than just the Pi-hole IP address as a DNS server. What OS is the client?

windows 7!

ipconfig /all output please.

And to confirm, the query log shows everything as green OK, there are no red blocked domains showing? Can we see a copy of the web query log?

ipconfig (3.6 KB)

Mod: Attachment removed for privacy.

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::c6ea:1dff:fea7:29da%11 < Router
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::c6ea:1dff:fea7:29da%11 < Router

how do I provide you the query log?

and the fe80:: changes from the router of from the pihole?


maybe I m an idiot..But I don't see how I could disable IPv6 state (it has this address)..

Try unchecking the Stateless DHCPv6 server.

still stays on DNS servers when I try ipconfig.

You could go in to the Windows networking settings and disable/turn off IPv6 networking on that interface.

Ok,done..I now see only the pi-hole address but again,it shows ads..should I upload my network info?or the log you asked before?

What browser are you using?

chrome.Should I try also Firefox?

Sure, give it a shot.

for a second,just to make me applause,it seemed like it worked..But then,again,ADS.. :frowning: