??? Where did the 240 come from now????
[i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.0.33-0+deb9u3
[i] Repair option selected
[β] Disk space check
[β] Update local cache of available packages
[β] Checking apt-get for upgraded packages... up to date!
[i] Installer Dependency checks...
[β] Checking for apt-utils
[β] Checking for dialog
[β] Checking for debconf
[β] Checking for dhcpcd5
[β] Checking for git
[β] Checking for iproute2
[β] Checking for whiptail
[i] Performing reconfiguration, skipping download of local repos
[β] Resetting repository within /etc/.pihole...
[β] Resetting repository within /var/www/html/admin...
[i] Main Dependency checks...
[β] Checking for cron
[β] Checking for curl
[β] Checking for dnsutils
[β] Checking for iputils-ping
[β] Checking for lsof
[β] Checking for netcat
[β] Checking for psmisc
[β] Checking for sudo
[β] Checking for unzip
[β] Checking for wget
[β] Checking for idn2
[β] Checking for sqlite3
[β] Checking for libcap2-bin
[β] Checking for dns-root-data
[β] Checking for resolvconf
[β] Checking for libcap2
[β] Checking for lighttpd
[β] Checking for php7.0-common
[β] Checking for php7.0-cgi
[β] Checking for php7.0-sqlite3
[β] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot...
[i] FTL Checks...
[β] Detected ARM-hf architecture (armv7+)
[i] Checking for existing FTL binary...
[i] Latest FTL Binary already installed (v4.2.3). Confirming Checksum...
[i] Checksum correct. No need to download!
[β] Checking for user 'pihole'
[β] Installing scripts from /etc/.pihole
[i] Installing configs from /etc/.pihole...
[i] Existing dnsmasq.conf found... it is not a Pi-hole file, leaving alone!
[β] Copying 01-pihole.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf
[i] Installing blocking page...
[β] Creating directory for blocking page, and copying files
[β] Backing up index.lighttpd.html
No default index.lighttpd.html file found... not backing up
[β] Installing sudoer file
[β] Installing latest Cron script
[β] Installing latest logrotate script
[i] Backing up /etc/dnsmasq.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.conf.old
[β] man pages installed and database updated
[i] Testing if systemd-resolved is enabled
[i] Systemd-resolved is not enabled
[β] Restarting lighttpd service...
[β] Enabling lighttpd service to start on reboot...
[i] Restarting services...
[β] Enabling pihole-FTL service to start on reboot...
[β] Restarting pihole-FTL service...
[β] Deleting existing list cache
[i] Pi-hole blocking is enabled
[i] Neutrino emissions detected...
[β] Pulling blocklist source list into range
[i] Target: raw.githubusercontent.com (hosts)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[i] Target: mirror1.malwaredomains.com (justdomains)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[i] Target: sysctl.org (hosts)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[i] Target: zeustracker.abuse.ch (blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[i] Target: s3.amazonaws.com (simple_tracking.txt)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[i] Target: s3.amazonaws.com (simple_ad.txt)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[i] Target: hosts-file.net (ad_servers.txt)
[β] Status: Retrieval successful
[β] Consolidating blocklists
[β] Extracting domains from blocklists
[i] Number of domains being pulled in by gravity: 134824
[β] Removing duplicate domains
[i] Number of unique domains trapped in the Event Horizon: 112381
[i] Number of whitelisted domains: 0
[i] Number of blacklisted domains: 2
[i] Number of regex filters: 0
[β] Parsing domains into hosts format
[β] Cleaning up stray matter
[β] Force-reloading DNS service
[β] DNS service is running
[β] Pi-hole blocking is Enabled
[i] The install log is located at: /etc/pihole/install.log
Update Complete!
Current Pi-hole version is v4.2.2
Current AdminLTE version is v4.2
Current FTL version is v4.2.3
pi@PiHole:~ $ nslookup pi.hole
Name: pi.hole
pi@PiHole:~ $