Apt-get error on update

When trying to update, I get the following error:

  [✗] Update local cache of available packages
  Error: Unable to update package cache. Please try "sudo apt-get update"
  Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

I tried sudo apt-get update and tried running pihole -up again, but the same error.

It appears that FTL is the only issue, as when I try the update now, I receive:

$ pihole -up
  [i] Checking for updates...
  [i] Pi-hole Core:	up to date
  [i] Web Interface:	up to date
  [i] FTL:		update available

[i] FTL out of date, it will be updated by the installer.

  [✓] Root user check

[ .. Raspberry Pi Logo snipped .. ]

  [✗] Update local cache of available packages
  Error: Unable to update package cache. Please try "sudo apt-get update"
  Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

What is the output of sudo apt-get update?

A post was split to a new topic: Error updating OS to Bullseye

Ok, to answer DanSchaper and to offer assistance to hartez, I did the following before pihole -up:

sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change

It all worked after that.


I had to do the same 9/13

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