When adding Domain from any query log, assign directly to a client group


i noticed that you can only assign a domain to a client group within the menu "Group Managment". It is not possible to assign an entry within menü "wightlist", "blacklist" or any query list, right?
Is there a reason why this is designed by this way?

Normally in a software, a function should stay at any place.

At the moment, you have to do 2 things. First add a domain/regex from query list. In a second step, you have to search in "group management" -> "domains" for the same entry, and assign to the groups.

Menue "Adlist" is a good example for the right way. You can directly assign to a group when adding the list to pihole.

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It's by design

  1. A lot of users don't need the group management at all. They only need the default group

  2. For historical reasons we kept the whitelists and blacklist menus when the group management was introduced. It made transition for novice users easier as they might not need the group management. At a certain point of time they will likely be removed.

I can unterstand this.
But group-feature is a very good thing and I dont want t miss it. It is good when you can enable domains only for certain devices. F. ex. if one in the family uses social media, you can enable this for a certain device, and block it for the rest who dont need it.

Perhaps, a compromise would be if it the columns get customisable. So, if somethone need it, can disable the the normal action column and add an advanced column there it is possible so select the groups while adding to a list.

I think what you want is similar to

You can vote for that feature request.

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