I failed to note that this is a new install, so there shouldn't be a cache. I did try flushing, but FTL quit running overnight and was showing Lost Connection to API just now. I restarted it just now with service pihole-FTL start and tried again. Still showing zero stats. Not sure why FTL quit running overnight. Just rebooted and FTL won't start on its own. Had to do it manually again.
I rebooted and now FTL won't start at all. I get this message: Failed to start pihole-FTL.service: Unit pihole-FTL.service not found.
Permissions on /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db are 644. Also, the Pihole related files in /var/run are just gone. No idea what caused that.
I was planning on using pihole on a BeagleBone Black so I could free up my Raspberry Pi 3 for another project, but I'm starting to think it's more trouble than it's worth. May just stick with the Pi.
I got FTL working again. Regarding your earlier post, /var/run/FTL.sock was showing it was owned by root:root and permissions were srwxrwxrwx. I changed ownership to pihole:pihole, since that was how it was on my other install. pihole-FTL.db permissions look like this: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 7 20:56 pihole-FTL.db. I changed ownership on that to pihole:pihole to be like my other install that works correctly.
The last post wasn't really a solution. After a reboot, FTL still doesn't start. Typing service pihole-FTL start brings the error Failed to start pihole-FTL.service: Unit pihole-FTL.service not found. I ran a new pihole -d and here is the token 78nj80j9jc
I don't see the log-queries directive in your dnsmsasq config file. This would prevent stats from being logged, thus showing zero queries on the dashboard.
Can you try a pihole -r > Repair?
Strange the .service file doesn't exist though since you just mentioned it was the same was what I linked you to on GitHub.
My apologies for taking so long to reply.
I ran a pihole -r and FTL still doesn't start on boot. Running service pihole-FTL start still results in the service not being found.
I was out of town all day yesterday. Checked it today and FTL had stopped running at some point. I ran sudo service pihole-FTL start and it started again, but still not showing stats on the web page. Below are the answers to your questions above. Thank you.
$ ls -l /var/run/pihole
total 0
srwxrwxrwx 1 pihole pihole 0 Apr 15 14:49 FTL.sock