Currently all requests use IPv4, it would be nice to use IPv6 for the DNS servers that support it and use IPv4 only as a fallback.
We currently support IPv6. Simply enable it during install or reconfigure your current install by running pihole -r
Edit: Do you mean using the IPv6 address of the upstream DNS server?
Edit2: Ok, just read IPv6 upstream. Sounds like this is in the works.
Yes, that is exactly what i meant.
I already know the thread, i even posted in it, i know that it works. I meant that IPv6 is used by Pi-hole as the standard protocol for DNS querys.
In the next release you'll be able to add custom IPv6 DNS servers via the web interface, among other things:
Thanks, but i already know that pull request.
I'm not sure if you understood what i mean. I would like to see that Pi-hole uses IPv6 to query the DNS servers that support it as a standart.
Everything should start using IPv6 more since IPv4 won't last forever.
Yes, I understand what you are asking for, but many people still don't have IPv6 internet access (myself included), so by enabling it by default might not be the best idea, for now at least. Even if the user enables IPv6 during install, their network may only support IPv6 internally. This PR will allow you to set two custom IPv6 DNS servers, which should be enough since there is not much difference using IPv6 over IPv4 for connecting to a DNS server. I agree that IPv6 is the future, but we're in the present.
I'm aware of that (i too haven't one ). This feature request was more a idea that could be implemented sometime later.
However, thanks for your replys.
I re-open this Feature Request, because I don't think that the requester has been satisfied with the ability to manually specify two upstream servers. We should think of including IPv6 upstream servers which can be enabled by a click on the settings page (currently, all check boxes lead to IPv4 servers).
I started collecting some IPv6 DNS servers here:
Thank you for reopening.
You're right, i'm not completely statisfied with the 2 custom DNS servers than can be set manually (altough it's still a great feature). Including IPv6 upstream servers would be great and would make a step forward to the "new" protocol. But i would still like to see that pihole uses IPv6 servers as a default if there is a IPv6 connection available.
A check could be implemented in the installer which checks if there is a IPv6 connection available and sets IPv6 servers as the default servers when there is.
This could be made with the ping6
ping6 -c 1
If there is no Ipv6 connection available the output will be:
connect: Network is unreachable
The domain ( could be changed to any other website that supports IPv6 and is always up.
We currently do detect IPv6 capabilities and test for an open route to (ironically) Google's IPv6 resolvers. This is to prevent ULA/LinkLocal IP's from being detected and suggested as potential endpoints for users to configure internally. It shouldn't be that much of a change conceptually to change the upstreams to v6. My concerns would be DNS64 situations and a few other things to test for optimal configuration. Currently you should be able to chose a custom upstream upon install and enter a valid routeable IPv6 address, but that is another block of code to check, as I believe there is sanity code that validates the IP entered, and from memory I think it only validates IPv4 addressing.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Possible problem with IP validation in the installer
Currently revisiting this topic and testing some new code
me@desktop ~ $ tail /var/log/pihole.log
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: started, version 2.76 cachesize 10000
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: warning: ignoring resolv-file flag because no-resolv is set
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq-dhcp[2227]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: using nameserver 2001:1608:10:25::9249:d69b#53
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: using nameserver 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f#53
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: using nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844#53
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: using nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888#53
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
Mar 2 13:52:30 dnsmasq[2227]: read /etc/pihole/local.list - 4 addresses
Mar 2 13:52:34 dnsmasq[2227]: read /etc/pihole/gravity.list - 206816 addresses
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: query[A] from
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: forwarded to 2001:1608:10:25::9249:d69b
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: forwarded to 2001:1608:10:25::1c04:b12f
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: forwarded to 2001:4860:4860::8844
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: forwarded to 2001:4860:4860::8888
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: reply is <CNAME>
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: reply is
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: reply is
Mar 2 13:53:34 dnsmasq[2227]: reply is