Upstream DNS (opendns) custom web filtering not working [SOLVED - D-LINK ROUTER INCOMPATIBILITY]

I want my traffic to go to pihole -> opendns (for web filtering) -> web
I don't want to use family shield (need proxy on occasion)
Web filtering stopped working when I moved to pihole
OpenDNS ip update client says i'm not connected
router points to pi's IP
pihole conf files confirmed to have openDNS IPs setup
Troubleshooting checks:
with openDNS ip's in my router for dns - i have web filtering (but no pihole obviously)
with pi IP for router DNS, I have NO web filtering

Can you run a pihole -d and get us the token value so we can start to take a look at things for you?

Hi -
I ran pihole -d and attached the log- any help is appreciated!
...can't attach a .txt file; so i'm trying a link to a google doc; I did not see a token in the terminal output, I don't think the upload worked.
log file
Edit; i've now realized why i got no "token" - the pi itself can't connect to the net - but otherdevcies can, and the admin page shows dns activity - so that's pretty confusing. I'm assuming pihole didn't install correctly if it killed the pi net access.

Yeah, it looks like your Pi-hole is blocking ads correctly, but it cannot reach the upstream servers. What's the output of

cat /etc/resolv.conf

I was bothered that my install was old. I did a fresh raspian install; pihole install; then updated. lots of reboots. when i got pi-hole up and running again, i lost internet access on the pi again. that's a little bothersome - but i'm glad you guys are helping!
here are results for cat / etc/resolv.conf
Generated by resolvconf

What about output from this command

ip route | grep default

and the first couple lines from


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ip route | grep default
default via dev eth0 metric 202
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 0.117 ms 0.061 ms 0.049 ms
traceroute ...
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ traceroute Name or service not known
Cannot handle "host" cmdline arg `' on position 1 (argc 1)


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable

arp -a | grep '('

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ arp -a | grep '('
? ( at c4:a8:1d:8a:78:a4 [ether] on eth0

How is your Pi connected to the network?

When you ping it, it seems to be responding with a different IP address...

Since your Pi cannot access your router (gateway) you won't be able to get out to the Internet, thus no upstream servers can be contacted.

pi has an ethernet cable running to 1 of 4 router ports

yea; whats weird is everything was just fine (web access) but web fails when i install pihole (or perhaps when i set the dns on the router to point to pi)

Send a screenshot of where you made this change in the router.


Stumped for now. I'll try again tomorrow

is it in some kind of death loop - pi tries to get dns from router, but gets sent back to itself...? but i assume that's the whole point. Alright - I'll wait on you (because i have no clue!).
If i uninstall pihole, and see if internet access returns, would that be of any help?

The problem is DEFINATELY turned on/off when I set the DNS to the pi on the router; when i set it to pi, pi loses WAN access; when it's not set it can access the WAN.

Can other devices on your network get out to the Internet?

Your D-Link router is responding to pings with your Pi's IP address for some reason.