Uninstall cloudflare

i following this guide with ARM architecture (Raspberry Pi)
and also Configuring cloudflared to run on startup:

Please how can i complete uninstall this?

sudo systemctl stop cloudflared
sudo deluser cloudflared
sudo rm /etc/default/cloudflared
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/cloudflared
choose another dns in the settings eg Google and save, reboot

with your avatar its tell me all what i need, thanks!

What to do with the cloudflared.service file?

sudo rm /lib/systemd/system/cloudflared.service

Why do not you want a cloudflare anymore?

DoH isn't safe since the DoH-malware. We want to add a block-doh list to pihole and use unbound as alternative.

Jul 7 09:01:37 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped cloudflared DNS over HTTPS proxy.


If you have ddwrt, you can block traffic to selected ip dns addresses. You will add firewall rules and traffic cut out. Blocking dns is probably not a pihole function.

iptables -I FORWARD --destination -j REJECT
iptables -I FORWARD --destination -j REJECT
iptables -I FORWARD --destination -j REJECT


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