Unable to update pihole

Expected Behaviour:

Being able to update PiHole

Actual Behaviour:

WebUI says everything has an update available, however when I run pihole -up It says the core is upto date, the Web Interface is up to date, but FTL has an update available. And then its gives me this

[i] Resetting repository within /etc/.pihole...... Unable to reset /etc/.pihole, exiting installer

Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

Tried apt-get update and sudo apt update, both seemed to run and complete, but did not actually update anything and unable to have pihole -up complete properly.

Debug Token:


A restart of my pi did the trick for me :sweat_smile:

I think I had a similar issue a while ago.

I think "apt get" needs to access debian or ubuntu repo but pi-hole is hosted on guthub

Can you access
< raw.githubusercontent.com
or when you click on the 'update available' link do you see Github repo?
Release Pi-hole FTL v5.6 · pi-hole/FTL · GitHub

You do have more issues than just the failing update

   [2021-02-08 20:59:01.590 706/T711] SQLite3 message: database corruption at line 65848 of [3bfa9cc97d] (11)
   [2021-02-08 20:59:01.590 706/T711] SQLite3 message: database corruption at line 56972 of [3bfa9cc97d] (11)
   [2021-02-08 20:59:01.590 706/T711] SQLite3 message: statement aborts at 13: [DELETE FROM queries WHERE timestamp <= 1581281941] database disk image is malformed (11)

This errors usually occur with a damages SD card, e.g. after a sudden power loss. It seems not just the database but other parts of your filesysteme are damaged, too.
You best option probably is to wipe the SD card and start from scratch.
Make sure you have a adequate power supply for your device.

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Ahh i didnt have db issues just a hard time getting to github.

Stumbled. across this and it worked for me :slight_smile:

Ah crap, I was worried it was going to be a complete wipe. I've been running this raspberry pi for over 3 years now with no issues. So I am not terribly surprised that the SD card or something else is having issues.

Definitely back up that card my friend.... Just incase :upside_down_face:

Is there any way to export your blocklists, whitelists and blacklists?

After 3 years, I have added numerous sites to the black/white lists. Have custom DNS records set up..

Is there a way to export some of this before wiping? If not... Feature Request....

Yeah its inthe Admin Panel under Settings > Teleporter and you can choose what youd like to back up :slight_smile:

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Yeah baby!! Let's nuke this thang!!

Thanks! I probably should have just googled it, but -insert lame excuse here- ...

Thanks again!

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