Unable to connect

No debug token in the edit.

Dan is right:
Virtually any piece of software will use port 53 to send DNS requests, unless explicitly configured otherwise.

Change those ports back to 53.

But if the change the ports back to 53 it is giving the error that it is in use. How to solve that please help

Please create and upload a debug log and post just the tricorder debug token URL here.

From the Pi-hole command line enter

pihole -d -a

Or from the web interface it's Tools > Generate debug log and tick the :black_square_button: Upload box and then Generate

That would suggest another DNS resolver on the same machine is already claiming port 53.
You have to prevent that other DNS resolver from doing so, e.g. by disabling or uninstalling it.
On a Linux system, the followong command should help to identify the process that is currently binding port 53:

sudo ss -tulpn | grep "Netid\|:53 "

this processes are used by "named"


Moderator edit: explicit debug log removed

(Just post the token, please. For your own privacy and security, do not post the full, unsanitised debug log output here. You correctly posted a debug token earlier - I've reinstated that post. :wink: )

Please, don't paste your full log here (or github). Everybody can see your log.

Just paste your debug token (it's a URL showed after the log is created).
Only developers have access when you use the token.

Seems you are running bind on your machine.

If you do not depend on it for some reason, disable named
It would depend on your OS how to do that exactly.

You could try:

sudo systemctl stop named
sudo systemctl disable named

If that doesn't work, consult your OS documentation.

EDIT: Afterwards, use the sudo ss... command from above to verify that ports are free.


no nothing happened

Did you reverify by rerunning the ss command from above?
It should come back as an empty, headers only list, if stopping and disabling named has been successful.

after running sudo ss cannot find the port 53 listed there

Already changed DNSStubListener=yes to DNSStubListener=no

I was able to set up UDP 53 running

But why is it not blocking ads.
Ad blocking is enabled

11:17:36 LOAD Long-term load (15min avg) larger than number of processors: 4.9 > 4
This may slow down DNS resolution and can cause bottlenecks.

Showing in the diagnostic section

Good - that means port 53 is free now.
Restarting your Pi-hole container with the correct port mappings for 53 UDP and TCP should have worked then, and obviously, it did. :wink:

You have to configure your network to make use of Pi-hole, see Post-Install - Pi-hole documentation.

You can verify if blocking is operational by running the following commands from a client that's using Pi-hole for DNS:

nslookup pi.hole
nslookup flurry.com

The latter should result in a reply.

System load is reported as is via the underlying OS.
If you run Pi-hole in a virtualised environment, the reported details may not be accurate, see also e.g. High Load in docker on Synology.

Yes nslookup is replying via

I have only opened port 53 UDP not tcp

The nslookup is working on pc only but not on Android. On Android it is returning but i have added both dns 1 and 2 as the pihole

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