Ubuntu bare metal scratch install of beta v6?

Hello you awesome Guys,

I’ve been fooling around trying to install v6 reading from various sources on, what I thought was straight ahead install, but unfortunately not - yet😊
So now I hope I’m at the source of truth :blush::+1:

Can someone please tell me how make a clean install of v6 beta on “bare metal” (Ubuntu 24.04 on a Proxmox container)?

Many thanks in advance :blush:

Since v6 is not yet released, a bare metal installation will require 2 steps:

  • install Pi-hole v5;
  • execute pihole checkout dev

You, that’s the procedure I’ve done more than once now, and they all end up the web error 402 :frowning:

So what to do from here?

I'm confused.
You marked my answer as "Solution", but you are saying the issue is not solved.

Where are you seeing the 402 error message? Please post the full error.

I don’t know choose it as a Solution - i saw it, and was confused, as to me it was not a solution, and I frankly don’t know who set it as solution - I didn’t

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this is my way:

sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole /etc/.pihole

sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/web /var/www/html/admin

cd /var/www/html/admin

git checkout development

cd /etc/.pihole

git checkout development

mkdir /etc/pihole

cd /etc/pihole

touch ftlbranch

echo "development" > ftlbranch

bash /etc/.pihole/automated\ install/basic-install.sh

Never seen this way, looks interesting- I will give it a try- thanks so far

Hi Bui_Luan,

I just tried your way, which is very fast and convenient, but nevertheless - I still get the annoying: 403 Forbidden when trying to access the gui.

Do you happen to know why this becomes an issue in v6 beta and not in v5?

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

Hi all and THANKS!

I finally just figured it out - it was the lighttpd service running :frowning:
That is stopped now, and it's running :slight_smile: :+1: