Spotify Ad Block list


Just been searching on internet and came across spotify news that there 2m users who avoid ads without paying for premium membership. A little more digging up showed which domains to be added to host file.

If interested, please add the following to your block lists.



Before you ask after adding the list :wink:



I will remove that from my list.

Did you add them manually to the blacklist?

I wonder how Spotify came up with that number?

I know that with uBlock origin you can listen to Spotify ad-free on . I wonder whether that list by vincentkenny01also works for the Spotify desktop application.

I just copied the link and pasted it under the settings, blocklist, at the bottom and save and update. Works for me and have had no ads so far.

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What is the difference between adding this list on the blacklist and host a text file somewhere and add it to the block list?

The blacklist is meant for manual blocking. For stuff like this, you should use a block list.

Excellent. Thanks @Mcat12

Use this block list you will have Spotify Free as Premium goodbye advertising's-Spotify-FilterList.txt's-Spotify-HOSTS-FilterList.txt

Another option



Scripts for add to your hosts-file the neccesary lines to block Spotify ads (web and desktop app).

The scripts must be opened ad admin/root to be able to edit hosts files (Windows and Linux)

for spotify -

for samsung tv and other lists GitHub - vincentkenny01/spotblock: Pihole files for adblocking on Spotify, ondemand UK tv, samsung smart tv.

Does everyone have that music stops after a while or that songs only play first 7 seconds?

On desktop or app? I sometimes have issue with desktop version where after playing a number of songs the desktop version stops at trying to play ad and I have to close and open again but don't get this issue often on phone app.

sorry, yeah, I mean on Desktop

I had this issue when was blocked in my hosts file. This is in this block list. Remove it and see if it helps. Don't know if ads leak through yet as I just found this solution myself.

This is a new problem. I had that one url in my hosts file for years and it blocked all of the ads in spotify. Now the desktop app completely breaks when blocking that url.

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Even shit that domain on the whitelist, spotify either wont load or cut the song after a few seconds. Anything else i can do?

here is the link to the list and video on how to add to pihole.

anyone looking for how to block channel4od, itv and channel 5 ads, use this video

anyone looking to block samsung tv adverts, the little adverts that come on your home bar, use this video to block these adverts.

Thanks for providing the Spotify list.
I just noticed that it contains the invalid line


Could you please remove it. Thank


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If I add that list, anything in the domain name won't even resolve. I had added to my whitelist and that doesn't change anything. Am I missing any other steps?

Report your issues with the list creator. Issues · vincentkenny01/spotblock · GitHub