Raspbian version that will work out of the box

Hi there, I am looking for a recommendation of a Raspbian version that I can install on my Raspberry Pi 2 and pi-hole will run out of the box.

A bit of background: my first pi-hole setup was on Raspbian Wheezy. I got the ads blocking working without any issues, except that I don't see any stats on the web admin.

Then I install Raspbian Stretch (latest version, April 2018) and the web admin works flawlessly (AFAIK) and ads are getting blocked. However, some website loads really slow as if I am on dial-up connection. And it seems there is issues with HTTPS where https://secure.quantserve.com/quant.js (HTTPS) will time out. I enabled ULA but that doesn't help. I created iptables rules suggested here: Why do some sites take forever to load when using Pi-hole? (for versions < v4.0) All of those don't help.

Then I install Raspbian Jessie (latest Jessie release 2017-07-05) but dnsmasq won't run.

I am using the pi only for pi-hole so I just need a version of Raspbian image that will work without any tinkering. If someone could suggest. Thank you.

I'm just a user, so this isn't official support! I can confirm that Stretch Lite from here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ works just fine. I installed standard pi-hole then switched to the beta test FTLDNS branch as documented here: Help Us Beta Test FTLDNS – Pi-hole

By setting BLOCKINGMODE=NXDOMAIN [see readme here: https://github.com/pi-hole/FTL/blob/FTLDNS/README.md] my system is now flying, no more unexplained page loading delays!


I can confirm what @Packeteer: Raspbian Stretch is the most recent version and should therefore be used. We are currently exploring an altogether different way of mitigating these HTTPS timeouts and so far it seems to work out nicely, so you might want to give the FTLDNS beta test a try.

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Thank you @Packeteer and @DL6ER. I switched to FTLDNS and it seems that it resolves the issues. I don't notice any slowness due to setting DNS to pi-hole.

Just want to confirm that mine works as it should. Now that I use FTLDNS, what should I expect to see when I accessed http://secure.quantserve.com/quant.js and https://secure.quantserve.com/quant.js on my browser?

When I used dnsmasq, over http I can see a message the pi-hole blocked the domain but over https it will take some time and eventually timed out. Now using FTLDNS, on both HTTP and HTTPS I got the same result as per screenshot below. Is this what I should expect? Thanks for your help.

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Certainly looks good to me - your screen shot indicates that pi-hole has correctly returned a NXDOMAIN response which is what you'd expect for a site in a blocklist.

Thanks for your confirmation @Packeteer

Yes, this is what you'd expect. Glad to hear that it works so well!

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