I've just installed Pi-Hole and have the following problems:
- My Router doesn't support changes in DHCP/DNS settings due to restrictions from my provider. Provider: Vodafone (Kabel Deutschland), Router: FritzBox 6490 Cable
- After changing the DNS settings on my PC (Windows 10) I couldn't access the menu of my Router anymore
- After changing the DNS settings on my smartphone (Android/Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge) I think Pi-Hole didn't worked because I couldn't access the admin panel with my smartphone
I did the following changes before changing the DNS server on my PC/Smartphone:
- I found this site https: https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-do-i-use-pi-holes-built-in-dhcp-server-and-why-would-i-want-to/3026
Because it said at "When You Cannot Change LAN/DHCP Options In Your Router":
Some routers (and even some Internet Service Providers) do not let you change these settings. In this case, using Pi-hole’s DHCP server is very advantageous because you can still get automatic, network-wide ad ad blocking even if you can’t make the necessary changes on existing hardware.
I activated the DHCP-Server, IPv6 support and IPv4 and IPv6 Upstreams.
I suspect that these changes weren't really good because after that I was able to access the admin panel with my smartphones sometimes and sometimes I wasn't. Is this because sometimes the traffic went over my Pi and sometimes over the router due to both have active DHCP/DNS-settings?
If anyone have a solution for this I would be very thankful.
Have a great day!