Pihole -up error: Retrieval of supported OS list failed. dig failed with return code 139. Unable to determine if the detected OS (Raspbian 10) is supported

The issue I am facing:

  1. Retrieval of supported OS list failed. dig failed with return code 139. Unable to determine if the detected OS (Raspbian 10) is supported
  2. Tail pihole.log: Failed to open log file. Check permissions!
  3. Tail FTL.log: Failed to open log file. Check permissions!
  4. WebInterface no version data: Donate if you found this useful.

Details about my system:

What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:
Nothing changed, only run command pihole -up

This will temporarily reset your Pi nameserver so the Pi can reach the internet.

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

Edit nameserver to nameserver or your preferred third party DNS service, save and exit

Run pihole -up


Thanks for your answer.

I already did that but still showing same error

With the nameserver set to Quad 9, run these commands and post the output here:

dig cnn.com

dig +short -t txt versions.pi-hole.net @ns1.pi-hole.net

Your other reported problems indicate you may have a completely damaged install at this point, but we'll look at that later.

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Are you running Pi-hole in Docker? If so, that is not how you update the container.

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I installed pihole with bash script. How can I check if pihole is running in docker?

It is not.

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Segmentation faults are not good. They indicate that something is very damaged.

If you have nothing else running on the Pi, your best bet may be to export Pi-hole settings with teleporter, then install a fresh OS (ideally on a different SD card), reinstall Pi-hole and import the settings you saved.

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dig command failure but ping is working. So what i have to do? do I need o reinstall pihole?

Edit: Thanks for answer I will reinstall OS

Thanks in advance

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