Nothing working (NaNs in UI) after attempting latest update

I've had a pihole for a few years now, and after attempting to update today (logging in and doing the pihole -up thing), everything seems to have broken. On the web UI I get NaNs for everything, and along the bottom it shows:
Pi-hole v5.14.1 FTL Web Interface v5.17
It also says the DNS service is not running.

When I run pihole -up it says "Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support", with the main red text being " [✗] Unsupported OS detected: Raspbian 9"

Now, if I run sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pihole -r it sort of stalls out on [i] Restarting pihole-FTL service... and kicks me back to the home prompt.

Following on from this thread I changed my nameserver to and tried running PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E pihole -up and still gives me an error of:

[i] Restarting pihole-FTL service...
Unable to complete update, please contact Pi-hole Support

Here is the debug token I generated (this only worked after setting the nameserver to

Just to complement the answer above, your Operating System is not supported.

It is too old and don't have all necessary libraries:

Nov 20 00:46:55 raspberrypi pihole-FTL[3949]: /usr/bin/pihole-FTL: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /usr/bin/pihole-FTL)

There is no GLIBC_2.28 or newer available for your system.

Hmm, does the update prompt that it is incompatible and maybe I just automatically Y'd past it?

I've now tried updating to Bullseye and after downloading/updating for a couple hours (slow internet here) I can't even ssh into the pi anymore. I now get an error:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

If I try to ping raspi or ping raspberrypi, both return canoot resolve: Unknown host.

Physically plugging in an HDMI/keyboard gives me this on startup:

[FAILED] Failed to start Light Display Manager
My IP Adress is
[FAILED] Failed to start LSB: pihole-FTL daemon

Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 raspberrypi ttyi

I'm getting no response from trying to type in the password (I need to find another one and a mouse as the keyboard I had on hand may be broken).

Thankfully I did backup my settings with the Teleporter yesterday (though after everything stopped working).

Is there a flashable pi-hole imagine that I can just chuck on the SD card to then restore with the Teleporter settings?

Use the Raspberry Pi Imager utility to whack on the latest Pi OS (and you can set the hostname, ssh password etc up front too), and then boot it and install Pi-hole. Finally you can do a Teleporter restore.

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Hmmm, I've flashed a new OS on the SD card (using the Pi Imager utility) and it's still giving me a Light Display Manager error on bootup.

I do see the colorful gradient screen, then the pi OS screen for "hold shift" to do something (it goes quick), then it comes to a terminal screen with nothing but this error on it.

Is it possible that certain settings/libraries persist when flashing a new OS? I guess I can try fully erasing/formatting the disk first, but I thought that happened as part of flashing a new OS onto it.

It seems like the reflashing is failing at the verification stage. I've tried manually erasing the sd card in Disk Utility, and even tried formatting it in my camera, but it doesn't seem to erase any of the stuff on it...
Trying to find instructions on how to remove the partitions on Mac, and it doesn't seem to work as the drives show up two separate drives, and not one nested in the other as it typically does when there's a partition:
Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 3.11.19 pm

I've erased both of those manually in Disk Utility and the contents don't go anywhere.

Oddly, while trying to flash the SD card wtih the Raspberry Pi Imager, it does show up as a single drive:
Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 3.12.41 pm

But it reverts back to two drives once the flashing fails.

It even fails with Balena Etcher, with a manually downloaded diskimage. Same reason too, where the checksum at the end fails.

Which OS did you write onto the card?

No, the SD card is completely overwritten.

It sounds like your SD card is failing or the adapter/cable to connect it is damaged. The easiest way to check is grab another good quality SD card from Amazon or your local supermarket and try again. Even if it ends up being spare it's often handy to have a spare available.

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Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) (Bullseye) (via Raspberry Pi Imager)

This is now starting confuse the hell out of me as I've tried this with multiple card readers, on multiple computers (desktop/laptop), on multiple OSs (mojave/catalina), and it seems impossible to erase/format this SD card. I even tried the SD Card Formatter from, and even though it says it formats/overwrites the card, it remounts again as recovery/boot.

Even at the OS level I can select the contents of both partitions, erase them, and empty the trash, and once ejected/mounted again, the SD card is the same as it was prior.

I guess it's possible the SD card itself has gotten borked, but I'm on my 2nd SD card (both sandisks) going through this stuff. One won't mount at all any more (after "erasing" it with the Raspberry Pi Imager), and the 2nd one is now this un-eraseable thing. I only have so many microSD cards around to test with...

Are you using a SD card adapter to convert the little SD card to a larger size one for your reader?


If so, I'm wondering if the write-protect slider on the left hand side is in the lock position? I would expect this to cause any tools to report that the card was read-only, but it is feasible that a particular reader does not recognise this and so write operations appear to work but make no changes. Seems a long shot but worth checking.

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I was actually looking for a tiny write-protection thing on the SD card thinking it might be something like that.

I've tried with two microsd readers, one being one where it's just a thumbdrive-looking thing, and the other is a USB-C SD and microSD card reader, so both just go directly to USB on the other end.

I did pop it into one of these to try formatting it in my camera, but that specifically has the write-protection off, as otherwise it'd be useless in a camera.

I was thinking of other types of damage such as heat, physical, static, PSU-related, batch, brand, etc but these seem improbable across multiple cards and/or would be resolvable with an erase and reimage. You've diligently ruled out various other likely culprits such as OS settings, adapter config, devices, etc.

It does seem like the cards have just reached end of life, possibly through being in an environment where they have been heavily written to for some time. Perhaps your previous Pi setups ended up hammering them with log files or writing temp data without you knowing, that kind of thing.

Looks like the Black Friday sales may have come at a good time for you to stock up! :grin:

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Just odd coincidental timing where two died at the same time (or were sufficiently old to die), but I think it's just that. I found a cheap local SD card (not a great brand) as it's what the tech shop in the supermarket had and managed to flash the OS onto it no problem. I'll try chucking pi-hole on it and reloading my settings from there.

Thanks for the help!

It'll be interesting to know how it turns out, especially as a reference for future visitors with the same kind of symptoms.

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It is possible that your SD card has failed. Use a new card.

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