PiHole - Cant Access Admin Page

Fresh install of PiHole on the latest version of DietPi
Issue: Install passes without errors, but am unable to access web interface on [ip]/admin
Steps taken to resolve: This thread
And tried to resolve with this helpful comment:

docker exec -it bash
apt-get update
apt-get install nano
nano /var/www/html/pihole/index.php
$serverName = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]);
$serverName = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]);
Ctrl+X to save
reload web page

I am a very low-end linux user but if you tell me what logs you need and what i need to do i hope we can resolve the problem fast.
I can access the [IP]/admin interface trough my smarphone tho! I dont know why its not working on my PC trough a browser...


You'll need to ask at DietPi - DietPi

I'm not sure why you are running docker commands if you installed Pi-hole on DietPi?

Don't do that. Any changes you make inside the container will be lost on restart.

First of all, just to be sure, you did install the official Pi-hole docker container, right? What kind of machine is it? RPi, regular x86_64 server or different SBC?

This sounds like a client issue then. Did you try clearing the browser cache, a different browser or different PC in the same network? Also the browser console might give a hint. And check the Lighttpd log as well. I have no experience with Docker, but it should be located in /var/log/lighttpd/error.log as well within the Docker environment (?).

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