trying to get version 6 to run on custom webport but it does not seem to work, not sure what I am doing wrong
my old start command before upgrade worked fine I would connect to port 8888 as I have a webserver running on port 80 and 443
docker run -e ServerIP= -e TZ=America/Toronto -e WEBPASSWORD=XXXX -e WEB_PORT=8888 -p 8888:8888 -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp -v /var/pihole:/etc/pihole -v /var/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d pihole/pihole
the new one which seems to take the variables but the web interfaces dont work
docker run -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp -p 8888:8888/tcp -p 1443:1443/tcp -e TZ=America/Toronto -e FTLCONF_webserver_api_password="XXXX" -e FTLCONF_dns_listeningMode=all -v ./etc-pihole:/etc/pihole -v ./etc-dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d --cap-add SYS_ADMIN --cap-add CAP_SYS_TIME --cap-add NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add CAP_SYS_NICE --restart unless-stopped pihole/pihole:latest
output from running above shows 80 and 443 like it's ignoring the port settings
[i] Setting up user & group for the pihole user
[i] PIHOLE_UID not set in environment, using default (1000)
[i] PIHOLE_GID not set in environment, using default (1000)
[i] Starting FTL configuration
[i] Assigning password defined by Environment Variable
[i] Starting crond for scheduled scripts. Randomizing times for gravity and update checker
[i] Ensuring logrotate script exists in /etc/pihole
[i] Gravity migration checks
[i] Existing gravity database found - schema will be upgraded if necessary
[i] pihole-FTL pre-start checks
[i] Setting capabilities on pihole-FTL where possible
[i] Applying the following caps to pihole-FTL:
[i] Starting pihole-FTL (no-daemon) as pihole
[i] Version info:
Core version is v6.0 (Latest: v6.0)
Web version is v6.0 (Latest: v6.0)
FTL version is v6.0 (Latest: v6.0)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: ########## FTL started on 47a1bfa35a83! ##########
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: FTL branch: master
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: FTL version: v6.0
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: FTL commit: eaa7dbb4
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: FTL date: 2025-02-18 17:19:26 +0000
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: FTL user: pihole
2025-02-19 05:11:18.371 EST [57M] INFO: Compiled for linux/amd64 (compiled on CI) using cc (Alpine 14.2.0) 14.2.0
2025-02-19 05:11:18.641 EST [57M] INFO: 2 FTLCONF environment variables found (2 used, 0 invalid, 0 ignored)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.641 EST [57M] INFO: [✓] FTLCONF_dns_listeningMode is used
2025-02-19 05:11:18.641 EST [57M] INFO: [✓] FTLCONF_webserver_api_password is used
2025-02-19 05:11:18.642 EST [57M] INFO: Wrote config file:
2025-02-19 05:11:18.642 EST [57M] INFO: - 152 total entries
2025-02-19 05:11:18.642 EST [57M] INFO: - 147 entries are default
2025-02-19 05:11:18.642 EST [57M] INFO: - 5 entries are modified
2025-02-19 05:11:18.642 EST [57M] INFO: - 1 entry is forced through environment
2025-02-19 05:11:18.644 EST [57M] INFO: Parsed config file /etc/pihole/pihole.toml successfully
2025-02-19 05:11:18.644 EST [57M] INFO: PID file does not exist or not readable
2025-02-19 05:11:18.644 EST [57M] INFO: No other running FTL process found.
2025-02-19 05:11:18.649 EST [57M] INFO: PID of FTL process: 57
2025-02-19 05:11:18.650 EST [57M] INFO: listening on port 53
2025-02-19 05:11:18.650 EST [57M] INFO: listening on :: port 53
2025-02-19 05:11:18.652 EST [57M] INFO: PID of FTL process: 57
2025-02-19 05:11:18.653 EST [57M] INFO: Database version is 21
2025-02-19 05:11:18.653 EST [57M] INFO: Database successfully initialized
2025-02-19 05:11:18.664 EST [57M] INFO: Imported 743 queries from the on-disk database (it has 743 rows)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.664 EST [57M] INFO: Parsing queries in database
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: Imported 743 queries from the long-term database
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Total DNS queries: 743
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Cached DNS queries: 55
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Forwarded DNS queries: 645
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Blocked DNS queries: 40
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Unknown DNS queries: 0
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Unique domains: 295
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Unique clients: 2
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> DNS cache records: 18
2025-02-19 05:11:18.669 EST [57M] INFO: -> Known forward destinations: 2
2025-02-19 05:11:18.825 EST [57M] INFO: FTL is running as user pihole (UID 1000)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.826 EST [57M] INFO: Reading certificate from /etc/pihole/tls.pem ...
2025-02-19 05:11:18.826 EST [57M] INFO: Using SSL/TLS certificate file /etc/pihole/tls.pem
2025-02-19 05:11:18.827 EST [57M] INFO: Web server ports:
2025-02-19 05:11:18.827 EST [57M] INFO: - 80 (HTTP, IPv4, optional)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.827 EST [57M] INFO: - 80 (HTTP, IPv6, optional)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.827 EST [57M] INFO: - 443 (HTTPS, IPv4, optional)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.827 EST [57M] INFO: - 443 (HTTPS, IPv6, optional)
2025-02-19 05:11:18.827 EST [57M] INFO: Restored 1 API session from the database
2025-02-19 05:11:18.829 EST [57M] INFO: Blocking status is enabled
2025-02-19 05:11:18.927 EST [57/T59] INFO: Compiled 0 allow and 0 deny regex for 2 clients in 0.2 msec
2025-02-19 05:11:23.070 EST [57/T58] INFO: Received 8/8 valid NTP replies from
2025-02-19 05:11:23.070 EST [57/T58] INFO: Time offset: -2.892822e+00 ms (excluded 0 outliers)
2025-02-19 05:11:23.070 EST [57/T58] INFO: Round-trip delay: 2.888209e+01 ms (excluded 0 outliers)
2025-02-19 05:11:23.071 EST [57/T179] INFO: NTP server listening on (IPv4)
2025-02-19 05:11:23.071 EST [57/T180] INFO: NTP server listening on :::123 (IPv6)