Pi-hole v3.1 Has Been Released

Originally published at: https://pi-hole.net/2017/05/19/pi-hole-v3-1-has-been-released/

We're happy you are still supporting us so we have released version 3.1 of Pi-hole. This release has several tweaks and fixes to improve the overall experience.

As always, you can view all the updates we've made at changes.pi-hole.net, but below is a brief overview of some of the changes. We also try to implement features you request, by looking at the ones with the most votes.


Black and White Lists

  • Pi-holed (blacklist) now shows in the query log if it was blocked via the blacklist
  • Blacklist and whitelists can now be sorted alphabetically
  • pihole -g -b will only update (the new) /etc/pihole/black.list , which saves a bunch of time when adding/changing only blacklisted files - won't download and subsequentially process all lists, but rather processes just the blacklist and restart dnsmasq


  • your tricorder debug logs will now be uploaded to our secure server with openssl if it's available (with an optional timeout if it's not)


For a long time, chronometer appealed to a niche market, but after seeing different posts about it recently, more people use it than we thought. Chronometer2 has a big makeover to display even more information.

Miscellaneous Additions To The Codebase

  • ULA IPv6 addresses will be used in favor of GUA addresses if available, which should help with some sites taking forever to load
  • Top Advertisers has been renamed to Top Blocked Domains
  • the -h and --help flags for the pihole command have gotten a big makeover and should aid in learning the usage of the command (we also have a detailed page on what each command does)
  • we fixed an issue where dhcpcd.conf overwrites /etc/resolv.conf
  • pihole -r (repair/reconfigure) will now reset any changes made to /etc/.pihole and /var/www/html/admin
  • the Dashboard will now check for updates every half hour, instead of every page refresh
  • the four colored boxes are now the same height

Fun Fact

FTL uses port 4711 by default because of this.