1.) Is this a good setup/do you see any issues with this setup? (I will run in headless UI / terminal mode)
2.) Other similar setup recommendations/tips?
I just setup a Pi4b with this LCD and case from Amazon.
I set the Pi to boot to console from Raspi-Config it didn't seem to want to start PADD at first and I don't remember if i did anything to it to get it working but at one point i looked down at the screen and it was working after looking like it was stuck with a buffer of the OS booting. I could see PADD flickering in the background but now it works every reboot.
I used this tutorial on But since the screen that I got wasn't one of theirs I just used Raspi-config to boot to console then put in the .bashrc portion to have PADD start.
Well when your using one of the adafruit screens right in the driver install they give you an option to boot to console, but since the screens we have use a different driver we needed to use Raspi-Config.
Can some one help me on this, i have the same LCD screen Skeeterslint used and I install the drivers and ran the commands for PADD from githud, set to boot to CLI but I just get what looks to be the last bit of booting stuck on the screen. ( where it has OK in green on the left. Any help would be awesome.