Would anyone know where to start on setting up my Raspberry Pi running Pi-Hole to automatically boot into a full-screen display of statistics for Pi-Hole? As far as I can tell, my Raspberry Pi 2B+ is running perfectly. It is working as Pi-Hole intended. I have a small 5" display directly connected to it. I would like the device to boot up directly to the admin console. I found instructions for trying to do this with a Midori browser, but the statistics do not load. If I use the Chromium browser manually and choose F11 it loads and works. I would like to automate that. Any help on where to start with that? Thanks!
You should be able to run a cron script that runs at boot and loads the desired configuration.
For Raspbian Bash (no desktop) using the default 'pi
' account and Pi-hole chronometer (pihole -c
sudo sed -i 's/$/ vt.global_cursor_default=0/' /boot/cmdline.txt
sudo sed -i 's/$/ consoleblank=0/' /boot/cmdline.txt
grep 'autologin' /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service
sudo systemctl disable getty@tty1.service
sudo systemctl enable autologin@tty1.service
Edit file ~/.bashrc
and add below at the bottom:
# Start Pi-hole chrono when on tty1
case $(tty) in /dev/tty1)
msg="Starting Pi-hole chronometer ... "
tput cup $row $col
echo -n "$msg"
let l=l+col
for i in {3..1}
tput cup $row $l
echo -n "$i"
sleep 1
pihole -c
exit 0
And reboot to apply:
sudo reboot
EDIT: Sorry had to edit few times
Awesome! I had originally wanted the graphical admin console, but this works great. Thanks again.
If you are looking for a graphical solution, I simply created the necessary folders for this and then built a document.
- sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
In the document, add these lines:
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@chromium-browser --kiosk http://192.168.x.x/admin/
Where the ip address is that of your pi-hole! Works perfectly on that 5" device.