Pi Hole not matching IP and not able to ads block (lack of network knowledge)

Try to disable anything IPv6 related on the router and disconnect and reconnect the client again to check DNS servers assigned.


Those are IPv6 addresses being assigned to your Mac by your ISP. It appears that you are getting IPv6 service. To "remove" them here, as @deHakkelaar has already mentioned, you will need to do so at your router. That could be in a couple of ways:

  1. One would be to disable IPv6 altogether.

  2. The other would be not allow IPv6 traffic to enter your local network.

  3. Actually, a third way is to reconfigure your Mac to use Link-local only for the IPv6 mode in System Preferences > Network ... and may be the simplest option of all to try.


Got it installed. I got this after

pi@Pihole:~ $ sudo nmap -sU -p67 --script dhcp-discover
Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-01-01 14:27 PST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (-0.18s latency).

67/udp open  dhcps
| dhcp-discover: 
|   DHCP Message Type: DHCPACK
|   Server Identifier:
|   Subnet Mask:
|   Router:
|_  Domain Name Server:,
MAC Address: D4:6E:0E:42:40:48 (Tp-link Technologies)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.57 seconds

I will remove IPV6 from my router. I dont know how.. let me figure it out

I believe I fixed the issue.
Sorry @Tesserax and @jfb I went the totally opposite way with this.
instead of disabling the IPV6. I used the IPV6 I got from Pihole /etc/pihole/setupvars.conf and used that in my Router as a IPV6 DNS. I think its working now!

Thank you so much guys for all the trouble. I truly appreciate you helping me!

EDIT: Please do let me know if there's something else I could test.

Locs-MacBook-Pro-2:~ LocNguyen$ nslookup flurry.com

Name:	flurry.com

@locnguyen No need to be sorry for figuring out a solution ... and IPv6 is the "wave of the future" so you will be one-step ahead already. Good job!

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You guys really inspired me to contribute more to this community.
I only know js and python development but will definitely try :slight_smile:

Have a great new year

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That is a BIG network if it's for a domestic network. Provision for 65536 hosts if my binary serves me.


Hey @shoka thanks for the response.
Are you recommending to do a smaller subnet? Like

I don’t exactly know what that means.. care to elaborate?

It's not a significant issue, but can bite you in subtle ways.

That is a decimal method to define a 32 bit binary "mask" to separate IP addresses into two parts, the network address and the host address.
This can also be specified by stating the number of bits in the network part of the address, so in this case

You need a big enough 'host' part to cover all the hosts that will exist on the network. If we were talking public addresses, then it also matters that you do not claim more addresses than you need, since IP addresses are valuable.

Back in the dark ages of the internet only the /8 /16 and /24 netmasks were valid, but we have long since moved to what is known as "variable length subnet"

However alternatively represented by is one of address ranges reserved for private networks so will not propagate on the internet, all internet routers should drop traffic to or from that range of addresses (and and

So you are theoretically perfectly free to use the network setup you have.

The subtleties are things like the DHCP server needing to be able to allocate space for up to 65000 hosts, the arp tables needing to accommodate up to 65000 host addresses, scans of the network taking forever since to define the active hosts on the network you need to check 65000 possibilities. is a slice of that private network range that defines an ip address range that provides for 253 hosts, which is usually sufficient for private networks.

I'd probably not pick exactly that one as it's the default for almost every private network set up automatically by domestic routers and and thus is an obvious target for scripted attacks.

Its only a minimal hurdle for an attacker if you pick a less popular range, but it costs you nothing in setting up or use, so why not?

Nice memorable ranges are and similar sized slices out of the or ranges

Helpful ??



helpful? you explained perfectly!

I read so many forums and pages explaining the concept of subnet I never understood it till now. Will bookmark this for sure.

Thanks Harry.
Yes sir definitely changing it to

I also noticed a bit of latency while working from home during these past few days

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For added joy, not all implementations of subnetting require the netmask to be contiguous.
(all binary ones to the left, ergo no zero's in the network part)

Cisco do, so pretty much everyone does these days, but in the days when Novell was a force in networking, they supported non contiguous netmasks. Most if not all current routing protocols cannot cope with discontiguous netmasks.

So would be to some implementations a valid netmask. Just not contiguous.

(binary mask 11111111:11111111:11111110:10000000)

You can't represent that as a /n mask, that's why the:
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm notation exists.

The theory was that if you outgrew the network host size count, and your original network was bounded on both sides by other networks, you could pinch a few more bits from the network part and expand the number of hosts supported. Sounds reasonable, but in practical terms it was a nightmare, and only Novell's routing protocols supported it that I know of.

It's worth remembering though, that if you use the nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm notation, that you can set netmasks that are not valid, and not all (though these days almost all) IP implementations will error on such a mask.

so if the configuration tool supports it using the /n notation is safer.

Both the netmasks discussed above and are contiguous.


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