Pi-Hole doesn't work

Do I have to add my raspberry into the Pi-hole dhcp too?
By the way, the adblocking isn't working.

If you have made changes to your DHCP server, you will need to renew the DHCP lease on all connected clients so they will pick up the new DNS information.

After you do this, if you still see ads on a client, do the following:

From a client that you believe should be connected to the Pi-Hole for DNS, from the command prompt or terminal on that client (and not via ssh or Putty to the Pi), what is the output of

nslookup pi.hole

Sorry, but how can I renew the DHCP lease?

Renewing the DHCP lease varies by client.

Windows use : ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew

IOS devices - switch to airplane mode for about 15 seconds, then back out of airplane mode

Most IOT devices - restart the device

MacOS - in the System preference > Network > Advanced > TCP/IP > renew DHCP lease.

You can search online for how to do this on any other platforms you are running.

I tried it on my pc and there are still ads. The output of the nslookup command is: pi.hole wurde von homerouter.cpe nicht gefunden: Non-existent domain. which means something like: pi.hole couldn't be found by homerouter.cpe: Non-existent domain.

Your Pc does not use Pi-hole as DNS server. It still uses your router. Please generate a new debug log.



By the way, DHCP is disabled on my router... And I didn't change anything in the pi-hole DNS settings. Could that be a problem? There is still the google dns server selected.

When I type ipconfig -all it shows, that my DNS server is: fe80::e2d4:62ff:fe31:b02e%2 /

( is my raspberry pi)

You correctly configured your Pi-hole to be the only DHCP server on your network.

     Offered IP address:
     Server IP address:
     Relay-agent IP address: N/A
     BOOTP server: (empty)
     BOOTP file: (empty)
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
      lease-time: 86400 ( 1d )
      renewal-time: 43200 ( 12h )
      rebinding-time: 75600 ( 21h )
      domain-name: "lan"
      hostname: "dhcpcd-8"

Please run from your client and post the whole output

nslookup pi.hole

nslookup flurry.com

C:\Users\mario>nslookup pi.hole
Server: homerouter.cpe
Address: fe80::e2d4:62ff:fe31:b02e

*** pi.hole wurde von homerouter.cpe nicht gefunden: Non-existent domain.

C:\Users\mario>nslookup flurry.com
Server: homerouter.cpe
Address: fe80::e2d4:62ff:fe31:b02e

Nicht autorisierende Antwort:
Name: flurry.com

It blocks some website ads on my android device, but no youtube ads. At my pc, there are no ads blocked.

This PC is using the IPv6 address of the router as preferred DNS server. If you need IPv6 you can use Pi-hole's ULA address to be used by your clients. Otherwise disable IPv6 on the client.

Pi-hole can't block YT ads without blocking the video content. Ads are delivered from the same domains as the videos.

Oh, okay. How can I activate the IPv6 addresses / deactivate IPv6 at my pc?

Thanks! I will try it.

I cannot save changes in setupVars.conf because I have no permission? (Sorry, I am a noob and it's the first day, I am using Linux... I hope, that I am not too much annoying.)

I just turned off IPv6 at my pc and the adblocking finally seems to work! Thank you very much for your help and time :slight_smile:

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