Pi-Hole and routers with third-party firmware (DD-WRT, Tomato, Openwrt)

Hello, I'm a nerd in this PI-Hole and routers with third-party firmware DD-WRT for example.
I share some advanced settings that I've tried, I know there are issues in this regard but they are very general and are spread throughout the forum. I hope and it will be helpful

I use a cisco e900 router with DD-WRT v3.0-r39137M mega (10/03/19) and an Orange Pi One with ARMbian Strech.

IP Router
IP Pi-Hole

DD-WRT configurations


dhcp-option = 6,

Configurations in my Pi-Hole

And this is the result in my Pi-Hole

I have also used Tomato Firmware and OpenWrt.

These are the configurations

Tomato Firmware Configurations
Configurations LEDE / Openwrt Firmware

These settings are when you use your router's DHCP server and NOT your Pi-Hole server.
If someone has a different configuration; I would really appreciate it if you published it in this topic

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This is handy for those who are running pi-hole on a separate machine. Thank you for sharing.

I would very much be interested in learning the best way to setup pihole, but running directly on the DD-WRT enabled router. My router (that runs DD-WRT) has enough resources to handle running pi-hole, but I'm just stumped on how to get everything to play nicely together.

Pi-Hole running on a router is not supported.


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Cool. thanks for the tip @jfb . I've written up my exploratory thoughts at DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Steps to bring Pihole to DD-WRT - could you take a look and let me know if what I wrote makes sense ?

Looks OK to me.

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I've got one Pi-Hole running now on a 3B+, using the settings you provided. I was wondering, what if I wanted a backup Pi-Hole running, what would the Dnsmasq settings have to be?

Love the name @doctorwho69

I found a few things out after looking more.

I just added this for a backup PI-Hole in DD-WRT:

It works, not sure if it is right, but it works LOL

I run adguardhome on my DDWRT router just fine. Uptime is 3 months now. I disabled use DNSmasq for DNS. If you have DNSmasq, both adguardhome and DNSmasq will compete for port 53.

Still not sure if there's a way to run pihole. Adguardhome installs directly from Entware repo.