Pi-hole and ddwrt settings

This solution works great -- thank you!
I want to follow this approach but add a second pi-hole as failover in case the first one fails.

Was running my initial pi-hole instance in a container on my NAS and occasionally had issues with it when I was updating and rebooting it where my home network went down and the famsquad wasn't too happy.

Anyhow -- I saw elsewhere the recommendation that you do the following under DNSMaxq Options:
dchp-option=6,first pihole IP address,backup pihole IP address

Is this the best way to do it?

Most likely below also works and is independent of what IP's are configured for the host:


pi@ph5b:~ $ man dnsmasq
       -O,     --dhcp-option=[tag:<tag>,[tag:<tag>,]][encap:<opt>,][vi-en‐
       The  special address is taken to mean "the address of the
       machine running dnsmasq".
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Thanks for the recommendation.
Confirming that I've tested the approach I shared previously and it seems to failover from the primary to backup Pi-Hole without disrupting the network.
May also try your approach in the future!

Hello everyone

dhcp-option=6, <<< my pihole LAN IP

this solution also worked for me, but I have a second Wi-Fi network running via VPN and after restarting the Wi-Fi via VPN, there is no DNS,

what can be done about it
maybe it will be useful to someone,


solved my problem

Man you can´t imagine how much I looked for an answer to why all pihole said was DDWRT on all petittions, thanks so much !!!!!