Per client log (like command -tail-)

To get some unique-client logs I have been using ssh and the commands :
cd /var/log
tail -f pihole.log | grep "your-target-ip-here"

Can we have a more refined UI based method to create logs for a specific client? I have checked and we do have Tail pihole.log, under TOOLS. But unless I'm mistaken I can't get a log from a unique single client yet. Perhaps just as simple a box where you type in/or drop-down-menu of registered clients and then select the target client. I would appreciate being able to save the output log to text, as well.

Also, as a comment, perhaps being able to adjust font size of the current pihole.log file (live) ?

Did you open this in Partially Implemented on purpose?

From the Query Log, if you CTRL-click on an entry in the Client column, that will filter the log for that client; there's also a mouse-over explaining this.
The client you wish to filter for has to be in view for this approach.

From the Dashboard, clicking on an entry under Top Clients will take you to a filtered Query Log.
The client you wish to filter for has to be visible in your Top Clients.

You could also filter for an arbitrary client by using the following URL pattern:

Closing as duplicate of