PADD broken after latest updates

Expected Behaviour:

PADD should be displaying stats and pi-hole status.
Using Buster on RPi 3b+

Actual Behaviour:

PADD shows Core down and DNS server off
pihole -c shows stats whereas padd doesn't.

|) /\ | | \ Pi-hole® v5.13, Web v5.16, FTL v5.18.2, PADD v3.8.0
| /--|
/|__/ [✗] Core [✓] FTL [✗] Pi-hole's DNS server is off!

STATS =========================================================================
Blocking: 0 domains Piholed: [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■] 0.0%
Clients: 0 out of 0 queries
Latest: 0
Top Ad:
Top Dmn:
Top Clnt:

Debug Token:

Same here after today's updates. I think it's related to this, not sure...

Looks like PADD's main data-gathering function uses that file

GetFTLData() {
  ftl_port=$(cat /run/pihole-FTL.port 2> /dev/null)

You can work around it for now by editing PADD and making the following changes.

nano -l

Modify the GetFTLData function, starting on line 109, to look like this

GetFTLData() {
      echo ">$1 >quit" | nc 4711

assuming FTL is running on port 4711 which is the standard. PADD works once again.

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Thanks. That did it. All good again.

Bear in mind it's a workaround not a fix. Keep an eye out for an updated version.

Seems that .port file was being used to both determine the port and check it's even running. Second para here mentions reading the conf file directly as the proper way now, but in PADD I think that logic now translates into two tests, something like

if FTL is running then
  if FTLPORT is set in conf then
    set ftl_port to use that
    else ftl_port=4711
    send command to FTL
else if not running then echo 0

This was already fixed in development.

It'll be shipped with the next release.


Also core is showing up with error:

I mentioned that in the original post. Albeit without an image.

ok, thanks for the info, I overlooked it

Other symptoms:

I guess waiting for a fix shipped with a stable update is the actual thing to wait for.

Seems to be waiting for an approving review to get merged.

Current/latest release still is v3.8.0.

v3.8.1 out now and working fine / many thanks for the fix

1 Like

All good now with v3.8.1.
Also 'mega' screen fixed too. Did scroll up with v3.8.0 and top line on LCD no longer showed.

as of today:

some magic ... switched back to ERROR ???

puh, was a "user too stupid", my blocking was disabled .....:zipper_mouth_face:

padd works as expected

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