Network table show ipv4 over ipv6

It would be nice to show for a device the ipv4 over all the ipv6 adresses. There is normally only one ipv4 adress and it makes it easier to identify the device. Also the name lookup is working 100%, at least on my side. Is this already possible with some configuration? I use the webinterface v6.0.1

Easiest way: Disable IPv6 in your router and network.

Secon option: Use unique EUI-64 address.

Sorry, this is not an option. IPv6 traffic is getting more and I don't want to disable it.

This is also not an option. As @Bucking_Horn wrote there this is also an privacy problem.

Any other suggestions?

I do not understand what you are asking for. Can you clarify or provide some examples of what you'd like the behavior to be?

Here a screenshot from the network table.

This device show up as I like it. First entry is the IPv4 and second to n are all the other IPv6.

On this device it start with some IPv6 and the single IPv4 is only in the list. On the normal page it is not visible at all, because it is not in the entry 1-3. It is only visible in the tool tip.

My suggestions would be to show the IPv4 always as the first. And second to n used for the IPv6. Then the IPv4 is always visible in the normal page on the first position.

I hope it is more clear now.

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It is now, thank you for including the screencaps.

Please try

sudo pihole checkout web new/sort_network_ips

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Thank you. This was not expected. I just edit the network.js file to be easy to go back to my backup. I have only one running pihole that has to work, otherwise my family is getting angry...

The change is working! Again Thank you.