hello when I had my pi-hole setup installed on my nighthawk AC1900 router it ran perfect. I have recently switched to the Orbi router, I redid my pi-hole to match the new setup. I don't think things are running the way they should, in the router I added the pi-hole ip adress as the only DNS
when I go into the pi-hole login page I only see one client
and its my router ip address with all the requests and the main domain is www.netgear.com. I have no idea how to fix this where before it would show me a bunch of clients for all the devices running on my router, not its only one. please advise.
Check for a DHCP/LAN settings page, so the Pi-hole can be handed out instead of the router. If there is no setting that makes it work, try disabling DHCP on the router and enabling it on the Pi-hole via the web interface settings.
I have my network setup with DHCP and everything including the router and satellite Orbi are included. this is the same way the Nighthawk was setup and no issues.
Check under Wireless Setup, as I don't see any options for DNS in the DHCP section. Routers often deal with DNS differently. Some always set themselves as the DNS server and internally forward, some let you set the DNS servers it sends out, and some send out extra hard coded servers such as your ISP's server.
Your new router is hard coded to set itself as the DNS server for all clients and internally forward to your DNS servers, so if you want to see individual statistics you'll need to either switch to using Pi-hole for DHCP or manually set clients to use Pi-hole.
Mcat12 that being said everything should be setup fine on my end and nothing to worry about that netgear.com is my top domain and I am only seeing 1 client?
ok, since I have DHCP enabled in my router would I turn it off and enable the one in the pi-hole settings? I just tried to enable it in the pi-hole settings but nothing is clickable after I put the check mark in enabled. It has the default range of ips it will hand out. will I be able to use the same list of ips that I assigned in my router on the pi-hole once its disabled on the router side?
You should click the save button on the same settings panel as the DHCP options you want to save. When you enable the DHCP server, it should look like this before clicking save:
It looks like you clicked the wrong save button (the DNS servers button instead of the DCHP server button).
Mcat12, i did exactly what you said. i went to the Pi-hole DHCP Server box, put a check in the DHCP server enabled box. when i do this the boxes are grayed out and i can't do anything. so i clicked the the save button and it give me the error about ip and lease time. and the photo below is the error i am getting
For some reason the settings page is not letting you edit the DHCP settings, and also doesn't send the info to the server when saving:
2017-04-17 19:41:49: (mod_fastcgi.c.2702) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined index: from in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/savesettings.php on line 470
2017-04-17 19:41:49: (mod_fastcgi.c.2702) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined index: to in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/savesettings.php on line 477
2017-04-17 19:41:49: (mod_fastcgi.c.2702) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined index: router in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/savesettings.php on line 484
2017-04-17 19:41:49: (mod_fastcgi.c.2702) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined index: domain in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/savesettings.php on line 490
2017-04-17 19:41:49: (mod_fastcgi.c.2702) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined index: leasetime in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/savesettings.php on line 498
If you open up your browser's dev tools and inspect the DHCP inputs, do they appear to have values? Try sending a screenshot of the DHCP section in the browser's HTML source inspector.