Expected Behaviour:
Use Pi DNS as only DNS in router, block all ads. OR Turn off DHCP in router, turn on DHCP in Pi to block adds for all devices connected to router.
Actual Behaviour:
When I make the Pi the only DNS on the router all internet stops working. I have come to the conclusion that this is some type of setting on the router causing this. The Netgear C7800 is a router/modem combo, which lacks settings and customization. I believe one suggestion to remedy this problem is to turn off DNS rebinding. There is no such option, and I have looked thoroughly. I will not be buying a combo again. I have given up on this option and moved on to DHCP only.
What is working: All connected LAN devices. (Linux, Samsung TV, Windows)
What's not working: All devices connected via Wifi. (Macbook, Linux laptop, Android)
What I've tried: Resetting the router and changing the router IP (gateway) and disabling DHCP on the router before any devices were connected besides the RPi with a fresh install of Raspbian and Pihole.
Dilemma: All devices are getting DHCP leases from RPi, and DNS of those devices is showing as RPi, but the Wifi connected devices fail to block ads or show as connected to the RPi on the Network tab
Final Edit: No solution found, and I would not recommend this device to anyone who wants to use a Pihole with it. Maybe this will change in the future, but as it stands there is no known solution. Good luck.