Need help configuring EDNS0

Waiting for Support for add-subnet option from dnsmasq (ECS/EDNS0 Client Subnet) in main :slight_smile:
(I just started playing with dnsdist today, in front of pihole as I want local DOH/DOT - and losing the client IP is a all I now see is the dnsdist IP)

Also I have a WireGuard subnet which I presume will be a separate challenge.... :slight_smile:

pihole is my DHCP server, and (mostly main) DNS server, but I have dnsdist optionally in front of it if I change my DNS server IP on a client.

If I'm right, should all I need to add to be ready is:


  • on a "addDOHLocal" line, add the option trustForwardedForHeader=true
  • generally add setECSOverride(true)
  • generally add setECSSourcePrefixV4(16)

pihole 02-override.conf

  • add-mac
  • add-subnet=16,128

I run a /16 so presume I want the 15 subnet?

Or am I missing something?

(Moved to a new topic of its own, since this is a request for specific help rather than a discussion of the Feature Request it is related to.) :wink:

I am running DoT/DoH with dnsdist, unbound and pihole (dnsmasq).

add-subnet=32,128 -> this is correct
32 and 128 specify the subnet length, 32 = whole IPv4 address, 128 = whole ipv6 address.
With /16 you only get the /16 net (CIDR notation) of the IP address.

frontend fe-https
option forwardfor


-- DNS over TLS
addTLSLocal("", {"/dnsdist_certs/rsa/fullchain.cer", "/dnsdist_certs/ecdsa/fullchain.cer"}, {"/dnsdist_certs/rsa/", "/dnsdist_certs/ecdsa/"}, {doTCP=true, reusePort=true, provider='openssl', minTLSVersion='tls1.2', ciphers='HIGH:!RSA:!PSK:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SHA1:!SHA256:!SHA384'})
addTLSLocal("[::]:853", {"/dnsdist_certs/rsa/fullchain.cer", "/dnsdist_certs/ecdsa/fullchain.cer"}, {"/dnsdist_certs/rsa/", "/dnsdist_certs/ecdsa/"}, {doTCP=true, reusePort=true, provider='openssl', minTLSVersion='tls1.2', ciphers='HIGH:!RSA:!PSK:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SHA1:!SHA256:!SHA384'})

-- DNS over HTTP (HTTPS with haproxy)
addDOHLocal("", nil, nil, {"/doh_874653", "/doh_874653_unbound", "/doh_874653_pihole"}, {serverTokens="h2o/dnsdist", tcpFastOpenSize=0, reusePort=true, trustForwardedForHeader=true})

-- Backend rule: DoH
addAction(AndRule({ DSTPortRule(80), HTTPPathRule("/doh_874653") }), PoolAction("pool-unbound"))
addAction(AndRule({ DSTPortRule(80), HTTPPathRule("/doh_874653_unbound") }), PoolAction("pool-unbound"))
addAction(AndRule({ DSTPortRule(80), HTTPPathRule("/doh_874653_pihole" ) }), PoolAction("pool-pihole") )

###dnsmasq (in pfsense)###
server=x.x.x.x#53 (x.x.x.x = pihole ip)

echo y |pihole checkout ftl new/edns0

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