Maximum number of concurrent DNS queries reached

Running pihole with unbound. Since the update, I get this warning. Internet and blocking is still working nicely, however, in my log I can see that at sometimes, there is a long list of entries with "config error is refused" and sometimes "servfail".

I have the same problem on another device that I set up for a friend.

Debug Token:

Sounds like your are affected by a DNS loop created between your upstream unbound and Pi-hole. For a complete background, see WARNING: Raspbian October 2021 release bullseye + unbound .

To fix this, try

  1. Edit file /etc/resolvconf.conf and comment out the last line which should read:


  1. Delete the unwanted unbound configuration file:

sudo rm /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf

  1. Restart unbound:

sudo service unbound restart

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Thanks for the super quick help!

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