My localhost
appears to be querying
multiple times a second.
Is this normal?
Can I determine from where and why?
My localhost
appears to be querying
multiple times a second.
Is this normal?
Can I determine from where and why?
The web interface does hit the API 3 times when it checks for the latest versions (Core, Web, and FTL), but it should remember that version for the next 30 minutes.
hmm, ok ill double check it later and maybe run pihole -d
and send the token
Finally got round to running pihole -d
Token is 2n3olln08b
blocked? Also, it looks like you may have an invalid IPv6 address being used by Pi-hole. Try running pihole -r
to reconfigure.
I haven't blocked it...I don't think.
How can I check?
I was having problems with pihole on android, and so (rather blindly I might add) changed settings on my ISP provided router relates to IPV6 --> Fresh Jessie Lite install + PiHole = a whole heap of problems - #38 by Valiceemo
Check via pihole -q
or the web interface.
No it isn't blocked.
Might be worth adding I use the Wally3K block page?
Something else I've noted...
There is a Cron job in /etc/cron.d/pihole
to flush logs at midnight....should I see stats reset to zero at 00:00 each day?
I do not?
By default, FTL will parse both today's and yesterday's logs in order to show a rolling 24hrs of stats.
ah ok, makes sense.
I will take a proper look at IPV6 settings later this evening.
If I remember correct, last time I looked at it, the addresses didn't match up properly and I think we concluded that my ISP router was 'doing something' a bit out of the ordinary.
Would it be beneficial to use a second router as an AP?
I have a Belkin AC1200 router...I think I can connect that to my ISP router and use the Belkin as an AP, and manually set the DNS to Pi-Hole, and use that as the DHCP server?
Worth a shot?
Will I see any benefit?
(Currently using Pi-Hole as DHCP)
Just discovered a new problem aswell
When connected to my home VPN (PiVpn) I have no internet access.
I used to
I added push "dhcp-option DNS"
to /etc/openvpn/server.conf
Something must have changed some where?
I'm not sure why is being queried so much, but @WaLLy3K may know if it's related to his block page. You aren't having DNS problems, so I don't see how using a second router would help anything. Please open a new thread for your VPN issue.
OK, thanks dude
Fingers crossed @WaLLy3K can shed some light
I agree, im not having DNS problems, but something isn't right somewhere, I shouldn't have to effectively kill IPV6, and this is perhaps due to the way my ISP handles IPV6. Or my ineptness and lack of detailed knowledge
(quick side note, installing and usage of Pihole has taught me a hella lot about networking, added bonus!)
No criticism on Pi-Hole at all.
I had only considered using a second router to give me more control (ISP router is very much restricted by them) and as a secondary gain, the rssi signal output is actually better. But it would mean another device and the accompanying cables, power usage blah blah.
I'm going to double check again tonight some things before I open a new thread re: the VPN issue.
any tips on what to look for regarding the ipv6 address @Mcat12
the ipv6 address showing in ifconfig
doesnt match whats in the settings of pihole admin page?
Did you try this? I mentioned that that should solve the IPv6 issue.
I didnt run pihole -r
as i didnt want to lose settings etc.
I did, however manually change /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
to show the correct ipv6 address seen via ifconfig
and it seems to have fixed partly fixed the issue.
I now have internet access via VPN.
So im gonna go out on a limb and say my local IPV6 address for my pihole changed...?...
still multiple queries to
just looking at this FAQ thread Use IPv6 ULA addresses for Pi-hole
i see that in my ISP router settings under LAN TCP/IPv6 Setup, there is an option "Enable ULA Router Prefix Advertisements" which is turned on.
So i guess the code that @DL6ER hints at isnt required?
Is there any way to determine if IPV6 address changes, or of the ULA changes?
Please excuse me if theres are silly questions, im very much still learning, and do appreciate your time in helping me.
pihole -r
will automatically choose the best IPv6 address to use (if possible, one which shouldn't change) and should not remove any settings besides the ones you change during the process (DHCP should still be active, API configuration the same, etc). If you had been using a link-local IPv6 address, then it will disable IPv6 for you since that address changes very often and if you only have that address, you don't really have IPv6 internet access (so blocking it wouldn't make much sense). If you're using DHCP via Pi-hole, then you should be able to turn off that ULA setting.
pihole -r
will automatically choose the best IPv6 address to use (if possible, one which shouldn't change) and should not remove any settings besides the ones you change during the process (DHCP should still be active, API configuration the same, etc). If you had been using a link-local IPv6 address, then it will disable IPv6 for you since that address changes very often and if you only have that address, you don't really have IPv6 internet access (so blocking it wouldn't make much sense). If you're using DHCP via Pi-hole, then you should be able to turn off that ULA setting.
ah ok, well i wont run pihole -r
asit seems to be working now
pihole is my DHCP server so i will try disabling the ULA setting.
out of curiosity does / will the pihole IPV6 address change?
what dictates a change?
my knowledge of ipv6 is, as im sure youve guessed, pretty much none existent!
im trying to write a short script to get the ipv6 addr for eth0
but cant nail it.
Sometimes the link-local can change (if it's not based on the MAC address), and a Globally Unique Address could change based on your ISP. Unique Local Addresses should not change. I might be mistaken on our DHCP server providing ULA addresses, so keep that router option enabled and see if you can resolve IPv6.