IPv6 address question

We haven't figured that out yet.

We have only just confirmed that it's not your Pi-hole's DNS providing that information, as that correctly returned gonsaplus as a name for your IPv4 .80.

What's the output of the following command, run from your Pi-hole machine?

sudo grep -nR "raspberrypi" /etc/pihole/*.list /etc/pihole/dhcp.leases /etc/hosts /etc/dnsmasq.d/
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pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo grep -nR "raspberrypi" /etc/pihole/*.list /etc/pihole/dhcp.leases /etc/hosts /etc/dnsmasq.d/
/etc/pihole/local.list:1: raspberrypi
/etc/pihole/local.list:2:2001:8a0:574c:e301:4d99:d1e0:7c76:4db3 raspberrypi
/etc/hosts:2:  raspberrypi

That shows the definitions for raspberrypi to be correct - that name is configured for your Pi-hole machine only.
I am out of ideas as to what could be causing this.

As your dig commands have shown, clients in your network are able to receive the correct names.

This would limit this behaviour to Pi-hole's UI only, possibly a glitch.

@yubiuser, I know you to have tested upcoming changes in Network overview a lot - are you aware of erroneous associations of IP addresses and hostnames?

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Not in a sense I saw it here. The only things that comes to my mind is this thread:

I also thought that the wrong hostname must come from somewhere - maybe there are some hostname related settings left on the router (even when DHCP is disabled)? What router do you use?

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Router is Technicolor TG789vac v2.
Some more screens from the router:

Even if DHCP is disabled on the router and only active via Pihole - try to delete the DHCP address pool and reboot the device.

One thing I noticed today:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ nslookup                                                                           name = blackbeast8.lan.                                                                                                                                                                                         pi@raspberrypi:~ $                                     

Shouldn't the name be blackbeast8.amor as on the Network tab?

.lan is the default domain of Pi-hole. I created the .amor domain.
What is going on?

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