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I spun up an Ubuntu VM and have installed PiHole and it is up and running. My issue now is that I do not know how to edit my Edge Router 3 to force all traffic to Pi-Hole?
I have set in my Edge Router 3 that the DNS is which is also the address of the VM running Pi-Hole. I left my Edge Router 3 to assign DHCP (I think I read that was okay) since I am forwarding the DNS to Pi-Hole.
I guess what I'm not understanding is I know there are additional devices on my network (IP addresses) but when I look at the Network Tab from the admin interface it only shows 4 IP's that are in Green. And the IP of the "host machin" the one I am running the Pi-Hole VM on is not listed either...and I have made multiple google searches and navigated to multiple websites from this host machine.
If you are seeing queries from all your clients in Pi-Hole, then you are set and I would not worry about the network tab. This command from the Pi terminal will tell you which clients have connected to Pi-Hole in the past 24 hours:
You don't run this from the Pi-Hole web interface. You log into the Pi terminal the same way you did when you installed Pi-Hole. Typically this is through a ssh login from another client.