How do I monitor Pi-Hole (with DHCP server enabled) with Monit?


I have Pi-hole installed on my RPi3 together with Domoticz. I use Monit to monitor the status of Domoticz so it will restart in case of problems. I would like to do the same with Pi-hole. I have successfully added Pi-hole FTL to Monit but don't know which services I need to add to monitrc and what syntax I need for DHCP.

Any help appreciated! :slight_smile:

Anyone able to shed some light? I don't need a step by step but a hint which pid's I need to use would be appreciated :wink:

I havne't used those tools, but the key daemons for Pi-hole are dnsmasq, lighttpd, and FTL (you can find the PID in /run/

Hi Mcat12,

Tx! I will add dnsmasq and lighttpd to Monit (FTL was already added :slight_smile: )

Worked! :slight_smile:


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