I'll just hijack my own thread here,
I decided to move everything to my Pi3B+, so the Zero W is currently my play testing machine, before moving things to the Pi3 - -
I was trying to add my NAS (for storage) to the Pi, through SMB. Eventually after looking through things I figured out that while I can ping my NAS, I can't actually connect to it - And I think the NXDOMAIN might be the issue(?)
pi@pihole:~ $ nslookup 192.168.xx.xx
** server can't find xx.xx.168.192.in-addr.arpa: NXDOMAIN
I notice that the IP is reversed, and doing nslookup xx.xx.168.192 kind of works (can't find by domain though).
This isn't quite solving my issues of connecting to the SMB though, but that I believe is a topic for somewhere else - So, I just wanted to ask if the NXDOMAIN business could be the cause of it?