Feature request for allowlistings for adservers lists

So Pihole already has the ability to import multiple domains into whitelisting space. One possible future feature request would be a feature that allows a URL to be read and domains to be extracted at the time the URL is uploaded. Call it a one shot pull of the domains. The stipulation being that it has to be a hyperlink used for this to work. Or similarly, maybe a feature that allows the list to be identified as a blocklist or allowlist on the adlist page. This is just food for thought and not something that needs immediate response.

Appears to be a duplicate of an existing feature request:

If this is not a duplicate, please provide details of how your feature request is different.

My feature request is to allow the importing of known maintained whitelist into the adlist pool categorizing them by type as allowlisted domains where by they can be sorted out of the blocklist domains before the final domains adlist is generated. Similar to how blacklists domains and whitelists domains are categorized by type.

So this is exactly what the other feature request is about.

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