Error saving Pihole config after installing Unbound

Hi all,

Expected Behaviour:

Pihole was running Ok, but after installing Unbound the (install was Ok) next step was to change the upstream DNS server from external source to unbound using the custom upstream server section . (

Actual Behaviour:

After clicking save I'm running into error: Failed CORS: null vs, ,, pi.hole, localhost. Every action I do like trying to restart the pihole gives the same error.

Debug Token:

As you are running Bullseye, you are likely affected by WARNING: Raspbian October 2021 release bullseye + unbound.

Try the following:

  1. Edit file /etc/resolvconf.conf and comment out the last line which should read:


  1. Delete the unwanted unbound configuration file:

sudo rm /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf

  1. Restart unbound:

sudo service unbound restart

Hi Bucking_Horn,

Thanks for your reply. I followed the instructions: comment out the line
Deleted the file and restart the unbound service.

Unfortunately still the same error : Failed CORS: null vs, ,, pi.hole, localhost

Any thoughts?

Thanks and regards, LenBasic

Hi Bucking_Horn

Yessss, after rebooting te Raspberry and give it another try its working ; :grinning:
Thanks again!
Regards LenBasic

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