Commandline args for cloudflared, using Quad9 DNS - resolving possible?

I would like to use cloudflared (DoH)
using Quad9 Secured w/ECS
Quad9 Secured w/ECS
instead of Cloudflare.

How to compose(edit) the command line in /etc/default/cloudflared?

Can I put in ""?

CLOUDFLARED_OPTS=--port 5053 --upstream

Is it already possible at this point to resolve ""?
Or "--upstream https://dns11."?
Or "--upstream"?

Protocoll https:// is needed because it is DOH DNS-Over-"HTTPS"! So the upstream DNS servers must be contacted via HTTPS it can return the result/answer also via https? But is there already DNS resolving at this moment?

And what about putting in two upstream servers?

Only with "--upstream" "systemctl status cloudflared" doesn't throw errors. This seems to be the solution, but browser check Cloudflare using Quad9 tells

We weren’t able to detect whether you were using a DNS resolver over secure transport. Contact your DNS provider or try using for fast & secure DNS.

Using results in secure DNS.

I believe this is because it's a custom/bespoke Cloudflare implementation only. Their DNS may resolve some special domain name that indicates requests are coming to them. Without that, their test page would likely fail. But just guesses on my part really.

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This is not a Pi-hole question.

You should consult cloudflared's or Quad's support, e.g.