I just entered almost all of the clients in my local network under Client group management => Add a new client, but there are 2 remaining entries:
Do both belong to the local Pi-hole instance? Or just the first one (pi.hole), and the second belongs to the device (a VM*), on which it is running?
*Background info: This Pi-hole instance runs on a VM (with an IP like 192.168.178.xxx), which I have already selected from that list and added as a client; therefore, it does not appear anymore in the drop-down list. And therefore I would be a bit puzzled if the second entry above belonged to that VM (and not to the Pi-hole instance itself). Anyway, with a Pi-hole instance running on some device, I would expect max. 2 entries. Here, 2 are shown, but I already selected another (third one) for the VM. I hope my explanation makes sense to you.
You've probably easily recognised one as the loopback interface, and :: stands for requests originating from pihole-FTL itself (e.g. for DNSSEC related queries, as you've come to learn about recently ;)).
Why did you decide to add each single client to Pi-hole's Group Management?
What's the intention for that?
You probably should be aware that any device that isn't defined as a client would be filtered by the default group automatically.
Commonly, the majority of clients would use the default group, so only those fewer clients that need different filtering are required to be explicitly defined via Pi-hole's group management.